
    Soon To Be Released, New Documentary On Famous Horror Sub-Genre, Teen Scream By Hellmouth

    Teen Screams is the first feature-length documentary to examine the evolution of teen horror films.

    The film will study cultural influences on the genre as well as discover the issues and subtext that bubble beneath the surface while investigating the essential and different cinematic signposts and modalities of teen horror – touching on a wide range of film, television, and literature.

    The film will also explore the tangled symbiotic relationship between horror cinema’s disturbing “impact” on its adolescent audience and the tragic murders it has been accused of inciting.Teen Screams will be a daring, revealing, and completely unique take on cinema’s nasty stepchild of a sub-genre.

    Kieran Nolan Jones of Hellmouth Pictures is producing and directing the film. Hellmouth pictures are an award-winning producer of documentaries that explore horror, dark drama and sci-fi. They also produce shorts which are available for viewing on their website.

    Being an adolescent may be a nightmare, especially when you’re dealing with supernatural forces such as vampires, witches, aliens, wicked clowns, and plain ol’ human murders. However, for viewers seeking for a good scare, witnessing these events occur on the big screen can be immensely enjoyable. These films are widely well known for being both scary and entertaining. Some of the most well-known teen scream movies include I Know What You Did Last Summer, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Fright Night, Disturbia and so on.


    It will be interesting to see what insight the documentary will be able to provide us with about one of the most enjoyed horror sub-genres. The connection that it wants to explore between teen scream movies and tragic murders is also interesting and we will definitely be keeping an eye out for this one.

    This reminds us of ‘Sharksploitation’ which is an upcoming documentary on the shark horror sub-genre. These in-depth documentaries are a fun watch for a horror fan!

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