Recently released horror-comedy Willy’s Wonderland released on the 12th of February this year and followed Nicholas Cage’s character. He faces some occupational hazards of being a janitor at an abandoned restaurant. Distributed by Screen Media Films and directed by Kevin Lewis, this film sees some weird stuff go down in the Toy Story’s style as the animatronics start coming to life and kill those inside the premises. As the janitor fights his way through them, a group of teenagers decide to take on the task of ending the nuisance once and for all.
An accidental success?
Interestingly, Cage’s character does not have any dialogue throughout the film, nor is he given any backstory. Due to these factors, the audience never gets to know about the character in-depth and must put two and two together to assume where he comes from. Apart from having some odd features, like not caring about the fact that literal animatronics are coming to life around him, he is also quite a dedicated cleaner and loves his energy drinks. A reason why GO Parsons, writer of the film, gave no dialogue to this character was because the film was originally supposed to be extremely low-budget, but this gave the janitor a personality that reminded fans of a dedicated video game hero who swoops in, does his job and leaves quietly, cowboy-style.
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Room for a sequel
As reported earlier, the film has taken inspiration from Five Nights at Freddy’s and even leaves a few clues throughout the film that point at the game. Although this all seems like it happened by fluke, it worked out for the better for this film as it gives him a cool personality that fans are enjoying. Not to mention, leaving some things (or all things, in this case) unsaid leaves plenty room for the audience to have their own unique perspectives on the character and the janitor not having any backstory also leaves potential for a possible sequel.