The American animated series Ben 10 must be well-known to those who were born in the late 1990s or the early 2000s. This programme centers on a young kid named Ben who becomes the owner of an interstellar watch-like gadget called the Omnitrix, which enables him to transform into ten or more aliens, each of whom has a unique set of superpowers.
With the aid of his cousin Gwen and grandfather Max, Ben battles villains. Ben frequently finds himself on the radar of numerous scary villains, most notably Vilgax, the conqueror, because he is the one who wears the coveted Omnitrix. The Omnitrix, however, is a mystery. How did it come to be?
Ben’s life is in jeopardy in the plot of Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix because he unintentionally activated his watch’s self-destruct function, which reveals the genesis of this amazing extraterrestrial technology. The only person who can help him is the Omnitrix’s inventor. Who is he, though? And just now, where is he?
This video will provide an answer to that query.
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What Is The Omnitrix?
The Omnitrix, also known as the Omnimatrix, is a special watch-like device that allows its user to turn into any alien configured within the watch’s arsenal. In the pilot episode of Ben 10 ‘And Then There Were 10’, the Omnitrix wraps itself around Ben’s wrist, giving him access to ten aliens – Four Arms, Wildmutt, Diamondhead, Heatblast, Upgrade, XLR8, Grey Matter, Ghostfreak, Stinkfly and Ripjaws. He later gets access to other aliens such as Cannonbolt and Upchuck.
Ben can maintain his form as an alien for ten minutes, after which, he turns back into a human and needs his watch to charge for a bit until he can transform again.
Basically, the Omnitrix contains the intergalactic genetic data of several aliens across the Universe. It then alters the DNA of its wearer when he needs to transform into one of the alien species. Naturally, each alien boasts a completely different set of abilities such as firepower, super speed, super strength, genius intellect and so on.
The pilot episode starts off with two spaceships engaging in a firefight. It introduces us to Vilgax, an intergalactic alien warlord, who is the primary antagonist of the show. His goal is to get his hands on the Omnitrix so that he can harness its powers to create technology that will allow his army to turn into separate aliens under his command… and with such power under his control, he will rule over the Universe. However, an explosion during the fight causes a pod to fall onto the Earth from the ship.
Meanwhile, Ben Tennyson gears up for his three-month long summer vacation, which he is supposed to spend with his grandfather, Max Tennyson. The plan is to embark upon a road trip, but much to his distaste, his cousin Gwen is also revealed to be someone who will be present with him on this journey.
The Tennyson trio reaches Yosemite in Max’s RV, where Ben notices something like a shooting star coming towards him. It crashes into the ground and is revealed to be the pod that had fallen from the ship. It opens up to display a green watch, which soon latches itself onto Ben’s wrist. As he tampers with the screen of the watch, he turns into Heatblast for the very first time.
The comic shows a longer, more drawn-out sequence where the audience gets to witness Ben’s DNA and physiology alter as he turns into an alien. However, within the timeline of the series, he transforms almost instantaneously.
Ben 10’s intro song does a great job at explaining the premise of the show. It goes like,
“It started when an alien device did what it did,
It stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid,
He’s got superpowers he’s no ordinary kid,
He’s Ben 10!”
Vilgax wants the Omnitrix but it belongs to Ben now. And no matter what anyone does, it is impossible to get the watch out of his wrist. And so, the alien warlord becomes hell bent on retrieving it from Ben.
However, the tool was originally not created for evil acts of violence. Instead, it was made to act as a tool of peace between the different alien species. It was meant to create an understanding between everyone as they would be able to experience life as a fellow intelligent alien species. On an even brighter note, if any alien species went extinct, the Omnitrix would be able to restore them as well since it contained the DNA of the species.
In episodes where we got to see a glimpse of the future, Ben was shown to wield around ten thousand aliens as an adult. In Ben 10: Alien Force, a teenage Ben had access to a re-configured Omnitrix, which allowed him to use other aliens such as Humungousaur, Alien X, Spider Monkey, Echo Echo and so on. He could even upgrade his alien to its ultimate form in Ben 10 Alien Force Ultimate Alien.
However, the Omnitrix was not born out of thin air.
Origin Of The Omnitrix
In 2007, the movie ‘Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix’ served as the first Ben 10 movie ever. And, it dove into the origin of this watch-like device. The device that sparked the chain reaction of unlimited action and the occasional space travel.
The movie opens with Max and Gwen chained to a ceiling, thanks to the crazy scientist known as Dr. Animo, a popular villain in the franchise. He has built a device which has been hooked to a nuclear reactor. On denotation, it will act as a DNA bomb and cause the world’s population to de-evolutionize.
Ben breaks in as Heatblast and saves his grandpa and cousin. In the end, he resorts to a more hands-on and direct approach when it comes down to dealing with the device and blasts at it with his firepower. The system overloads, which is exactly what Ben is going for but the idea soon backfires as it sends out strange shockwaves that somehow mess with his Omnitrix. So, when he tries to turn into Stinkfly later, the Omnitrix fluctuates and Ben has to pursue Dr. Animo as Grey Matter instead. With some aid from Gwen, the crisis with Dr. Animo is ultimately averted. But a new, much bigger one has just begun.
The Tennysons go to the mall and Gwen has a great time shopping, unlike Ben who just wants out. But once again, the Omnitrix starts to misbehave, causing Ben and by extension, Gwen and Max as well, to get banned from the mall.
Later that night, a giant ship lands near their RV. Tetrax (who is the same species as Ben’s Diamondhead) comes out and notifies Ben about receiving the SDM Signals from his Omnitrix. Max figures out that SDM stands for Self-Destruct Mode. The cause for this was the shockwave from Dr. Animo’s device and the signals from the Omnitrix were the countdowns until the watch would self-destruct, killing Ben along with it.
Tetrax does not know how to fix the situation but he knows about the rumored creator of The Omnitrix – Azmuth. He believes that Azmuth should be able to fix the problem but for that, they will first have to find Azmuth. Ben heads to Tetrax’s ship to find the creator, leaving his grandpa and cousin behind.
Tetrax deduces that the watch will self-destruct within four Earth days and seeks to use the equipment in his ship to find the DNA signature of Azmuth from the Omnitrix. Meanwhile, Vilgax and co. also pick up on the Omnitrix’s SDM signal.
Ben meets Tetrax’s pilot Gluto and learns that Azmuth is apparently in the prison planet known as Incarceron. Soon, Gwen infiltrates the ship to help Ben out but since Ben is unaware of this and thinks there is a potential enemy, he transforms into Wildmutt to fight. Later, Tetrax notices how Ben’s transformations result in the countdown to destruction accelerating, which becomes a huge cause of concern.
The Omnitrix zaps Ben again while the ship closes in on Incarceron. Ben and Gwen take up a disguise to pass off as aliens on the prison planet with Ben standing on Gwen’s shoulders. With help from Tetrax, they begin to search for Azmuth but Ben notices someone who looks similar to his arch-nemesis Vilgax.
Determined to take him down, Ben transforms into Upchuck, which ends up blowing Gwen’s cover. The Vilgax-like prisoner fights back while Gwen gets cornered by the aliens and Tetrax finds an old enemy called SixSix. Soon, Ben’s opponent is revealed to be a woman who belongs to the same species as Vilgax – the Chimera Sui Generis. Ben transforms back into a human and helps Gwen with fighting off the other aliens, who are shocked to see him wield the Omnitrix.
It is soon revealed that the woman Ben had misrecognized as Vilgax is apparently Azmuth. She agrees to help Ben out provided she is taken away from the prison planet and they strike a deal. They all head back to Tetrax’s ship but the woman reveals that she is actually Azmuth’s assistant Myaxx, who has played a crucial role in crafting the Omnitrix. However, she has no knowledge of the abort sequence for the self-destruction and she only lied about her identity to get out of the prison planet. However, she promises to take them all to Azmuth, who is apparently on Xenon – the Milky Way’s most mysterious planet.
Myaxx also reveals that not only will the destruction of the Omnitrix cause Ben to die but it will mimic a Big Bang and destroy the Universe as well. Azmuth had added this feature to prevent the wrong person from having the Omnitrix but he was positive that no one would be so stupid that they’d trigger the sequence. According to Gwen, Azmuth clearly hadn’t met Ben before.
They reach Xenon but soon find out that Azmuth has cloaked the planet with a device that absorbs all light. So, Ben is made to use the Omnitrix as a guiding device to land on Xenon. Myaxx also gives him a burst deflection device to control the zaps and the pulses from the Omnitrix. However, they are soon intercepted by Vilgax, his drones, and SixSix.
Unfortunately, Gluto apparently dies in the ensuing fight while protecting Gwen. Ultimately, Ben is able to send Vilgax flying out of the ship as he opens a hatch that sucks the villain out. The ship enters Xenon and they get inside Azmuth’s compound.
At the compound, they are attacked by the wild Florauna (which happen to be plant-based aliens) and Gwen is taken and seemingly killed by one of them as she tries to save Ben. Ben then begins to blame himself but Tetrax tries his best to calm him down.
Soon, Ben and the others fly through the security laser where his Omnitrix is recognized. A hologram appears and it is revealed to be Azmuth, as he refers to the Omnitrix as ‘my Omnitrix’. Ben fills him in on the situation and when Azmuth refuses to help him and shuts his doors, Ben breaks them open using the strength of Cannonbolt. However, Azmuth’s constant reluctance to fix the Omnitrix because the Universe, according to him, is doomed already, causes Ben to attack him.
Azmuth’s armor is destroyed and his real body is revealed. He is a Galvan – which is the same species as Ben’s alien Grey Matter who solves every problem with his tiny body and huge brains. Azmuth reveals why he had created the Omnitrix – to encourage interspecies understanding. As such, he did not agree with how Ben had weaponized it to enjoy the glory of being a hero. And of course, he did not want a violent being like Vilgax to get it either.
Soon, Vilgax, his drones, and SixSix appear once again but Gwen and Gluto are also revealed to be alive. Ben removes the burst deflection device from his watch to release a huge energy blast which takes his opponents down. The Omnitrix reaches its peak with reference to the countdown but Azmuth finally deactivates it as he removes the dial.
Ben was under the impression that the deactivation of the bomb will cause him to lose the Omnitrix and give up on being a hero. And that’s what was supposed to be. But, since Ben was able to win Azmuth over, the Galvan soon reactivated the Omnitrix and gave him the power of a new, super strong alien called To’kustar. And with his new power, Ben soon takes down Vilgax and his forces.
Before heading home, Ben returns the Omnitrix to Azmuth who surprisingly allows the hero to keep it. He is then dropped off on Earth alongside Gwen by Tetrax and they all go back to their lives.
Some Interesting Facts About The Omnitrix
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix is an amalgamation of the first three episodes of the fourth season of the series. Even on HBO Max, the movie exists in three parts.
It is often considered to be the series finale as well, even though it aired quite some time before the series’ final episodes. The intro music in the film sounds like the one from Ben 10 Alien Force instead of the more popular Ben 10 theme song, so it makes sense for the movie to be the arc that closes the first series and then transcends into the second one.
Even though the movie gets into the origin of the Omnitrix and its creator, it does not go over a very astounding piece of information. Azmuth had originally created the Omnitrix for Max Tennyson, who was a Plumber (a fighter in an intergalactic law enforcement organization that safeguarded the universe). The reason why Ben was able to wield the Omnitrix was due to him being a close genetic match of Max’s.
Even Gwen is seen wielding the Omnitrix in an episode called ‘Gwen 10’ and that probably has something to do with Gwen being a close genetic match of Max’s as well.
The Omnitrix is also programmed to have millions of DNA samples instead of the thousands that had initially been alluded to in the first Ben 10 series.
One of the more obvious DNA samples belonged to the Galvans (that is Azmuth and Grey Matter’s species). However, Azmuth did not use his DNA for the Omnitrix.
But the watch-like device did have Vilgax’s DNA, that is up until a certain point when a power surge malfunction caused Vilgax’s DNA to get deleted.
But what do you think of Ben 10 and the Omnitrix? Did you enjoy this video? If yes, then don’t forget to like and comment on this video. Till then, goodbye. And have a nice one!