The supernatural is a popular theme, and the idea of people confronting supernatural forces has captured the attention of some other series. One of them was Grimm, who created creatures based on stories from Grimm’s Fairy Tales book. Grimm, a dark fantasy cop drama, never failed to astonish us with its terrifying creatures, Wesen!
The series has already spanned six seasons and more than 120 episodes, and we have seen every type of creepy crawler imaginable. Some of these monsters are classic forms, while others are contemporary variants, but they are almost all based on fairytales and myths. Although the majority of the Wesen are terrifying, there were a few that were adorable! We have chosen the most stunning and horrifying of the bunch for this video, and their actions will keep you riveted.
This witch-like Wesen has a strange character and it is that they appear mostly human even after they woge. The only determinant is their dead and decaying skin, which resembles that of a corpse. Their teeth also sharpen after the transformation and their hair turns gray. With age, their woged appearance becomes more decrepit. Their male counterparts are called Zauberbiest, and they share some of the characteristics with the Hexenbiest.
The Hexenbiest has another special feature that remains even in their un-woged state. They have a dark U-shaped birthmark on the underside of their tongues. They are easily among the strongest of Wesen shown in this series, and their abilities are versatile. They have superhuman strength that is enough to rip apart a powerful man. However, they are much weaker in their human form. Besides, their strength is no match for the Grimms because they were overpowered by the Grimms during fights. Their powers also include telekinesis skills and their pyrokinetic nature. We have seen them create illusions as convenient, and the Hexenbiest also have a potent sixth sense.
They can easily smell and identify magic using their noses. While their magic powers are prominent enough, the Hexenbiest is best-known for their knowledge about various chemicals and potions. These could be used to control and manipulate a person, and could even have deadly effects. The blood of the Hexenbiest has some special qualities that the Zauberbiest blood does not contain, and it can be used to access mirror portals. They have a major weakness, which is their vulnerability to the blood of a Grimm.
If they somehow ingest the blood, they will no longer have their Wesen part and become normal humans. These creatures are known to be loyal to those they serve, and they are highly protective of their beauty. They often apply leeches to their face so that it looks paler, and it is safe to say that the Hexenbiest is quite narcissistic. They can be quite manipulative, and these vengeful creatures are the worst enemies one could ask for! In the Wesen community, the Hexenbiest is feared quite a bit because they often bully weaker Wesen, and we have seen them play a major role in the series.
This is a strange anti-Santa Wesen, who dresses up like Santa and hunts down naughty children before Christmas. He resembles a wild sheep, and according to the legends, he kidnaps these children to eat them later. He simply hides them in the tallest tree and then, he disappears for a whole year. Krampus has a unique appearance with his Santa outfit and curled horns, claws, and forked tongue. However, he can be quite a stealthy stalker and his victims do not have the slightest clue about his presence. Although he cannot quite dress up as a human, Krampus could still hide well in a city.
Krampus is a freakishly strong Wesen, but he is not aware of being one. A Krampus can lift a human effortlessly, and he can even be more than a match for a Grimm in a fight. He is able to wage from the first of December and it continues till the twenty-first, where he is in a state of constant woge.
Even losing consciousness at this time will not cause him to revert. After kidnapping the naughty kids, he stuffs them inside a large sack, and all that is left at the abduction site is a large lump of coal. He intends to consume these naughty children on the night of the Winter Solstice. One of the strangest things about the Krampus is that he is only in his Wesen self for three weeks in a year. In his human state, he has no idea about his true nature. This has caused many other Wesen to believe that he is a mythical entity. Krampus has featured in the series quite often, and this vicious monster is just the kind of nightmare naughty kids have before Christmas!
Gedachtnis Esser
Their severe woge is probably one of the most grotesque ones that you will come across. They lose their hair and their skin changes into a fleshy pink as they grow several tentacles. This gives them an octopus-like appearance, and every tentacle is covered in multiple suction cups. Four of his tentacles are longer than the others, and Gedachtnis Esser uses the tentacles to burrow into the back of the victim’s head and steal their memories. We don’t know for sure how exactly they do so, but it has something to do with the electrical charges of the brain.
Once they are done, the victims have a swelled hippocampus along with other parts that are associated with memory. They are no longer aware of their identity or surroundings, and they somewhat become advanced-stage dementia patients. However, if they are interrupted while they are sucking the memories, the victim will only be partially disoriented and the Gedachtnis Essers will retain the memories that they have stolen.
They can use this power of stealing memories to take over the identity of their victims as well. Thus, they come in quite handy in espionages, and it takes quite a bit for them to process these memories. However, if they accidentally extract memories of a Grimm, they are left traumatized. The Grimms often indulge in great violence against the Wesen, and these memories are not pleasant ones for the Gedachtnis Essers. In fact, they are always fearful of the Grimms. This Wesen makes their appearance in Thanks for the Memories, and we were awed by this disgusting memory-stealing monster that could literally steal someone’s thoughts as well!
Aswang is also known as Tik-tik, and it is a ghoul-like Wesen. They are indigenous entities to the Philippine Islands, and they are an integral part of Filipino mythology. In their woged form you will see them with pale grey skin, and a bat-like nose. They are bald, and their silver eyes hardly have any features except for glowing slightly in the dark. There is a slight ridge in their vertebrae, and their fangs and claws can be quite deadly. Even their tongue is a potent weapon for them, and it can be stretched several times the length of their bodies. This forked tongue can pierce through flesh, and inflict serious damage. Aswangs are quite agile, and they are solid climbers. They are extremely fast, and with their limbs and long claws, they can cling to just about anything.
However, they are not the strongest Wesen that you will come across. In fact, most of their battle prowess depends on their agility and rapid movements, but strength is not their forte. They are still known for some morbid behavior, such as using their tongue to suck out the infant out of a womb, and also sucking up some amniotic fluid in the process. The Aswangs have a strange tradition, where the eldest son of an Aswang has to give up his first child for his mother to consume. This helps her to extend her lifespan without which, she dies within a month. They get their name Tik-tiks because of the strange sound that they make with their tongues. Their woged version is quite scary, and even their voice changes slightly into a more shrilled tone. While Aswangs might not be the strongest, they are still feared by the other Wesen for their vicious nature.
Musasat Alsh-Shabab
This Wesen will remind you of a Scarab beetle, and its woged form reveals a gray scarab-like exoskeleton. This covers their faces and arms, and they also gain four mandibles around their mouths. They are well-adept at manipulating their scarab-like jaws, and their needle-like teeth become a deadly weapon as well. Their main goal is to seize a victim and pierce their face. They then suck the youth out of them, and it is collected in the form of a liquid substance. After the Musasat Alsh-Shabab sucks out their victim’s youth, the victim will seem to be unaffected at first. Slowly, in the course of the next 48 hours they fall prey to accelerated aging, and they start looking like their own self in their 90s. They don’t just age physically, their internal organs age as well. The organs and tissues fail and they are killed as a result.
Just looking at these deaths, it is very difficult to understand if there is any foul-play involved. Usually, people think of it to be some kind of medical abnormality, or some rare infectious disease. The disease is quite feared in the medical community because an outbreak of this kind can prove to be disastrous. After the Musasat Alsh-Shabab has sucked the youth from its victim, it is regurgitated as Yanbue.
This substance has the potential to restore youth in others simply by being massaged into the skin. However, the substance has a drug-like addiction and using it too much can cause one to become addicted to it. They then slowly become unstable and anti-social, and prolonged use can even cause death. The Musasat Alsh-Shabab is one of the stronger Wesens because they can even hold off Grimms for a while. They mainly target young victims and then sedate them using some kind of drug. Then the Yanbue is extracted, and it is sold by them for cosmetic purposes. During fights, these Wesens can be quite fierce and even use their mandibles as weapons.
This dragon-like Wesen has one of the most shocking transformations when they woge. The skin transforms into a green, scaly hide, and their nose is flattened. Their eyes glow as if they are on fire, and a crown of horn appears on their heads. However, they also retain some of their human features, such as their ears, and the hair in the females. They are freakishly strong, but just like humans, their strength varies according to their gender. Some of them are just as strong as Grimms, and they are way too strong for humans. In their human form, they are considerably weaker and can be dealt with easily. But the male variants are still quite strong in their human forms.
They feed on humans, and this fat-rich diet causes a lot of gastric acid production in them. This helps their digestion, but it also leads to terrible heartburn cases. It also causes severe coughing when the gastric acids spill into their lungs. However, this is instrumental in their ability to expel fire from their mouth. Their fiery breath will remind you of dragons, and it can burn their victims to death. It is similar to the effect napalm has, and the heat is enough to melt metals as well. This also means that the Damonfeuer is quite resistant to fire and heat.
They have mastered the technique of using fire for their defense, and they have various types of attacks using their fiery breath. These monsters are serious treasure-mongers, and they are extremely possessive about their collection. They are one of the rare Wesens who do not fear the Grimms, and this is largely due to their physical strength. They take pride in their strength and hail dying heroically in battle. The Damonfeuers are also quite loyal to their parents and they have an extreme attachment with them. Guns are of no use in a fight against them because it would cause an explosion. A lance is quite handy, and the one wielding it has to match up to their strength!
Jinnamuru Xunte
This Wesen resembles a deadly fly, and its woged state is capable of doing some unspeakable things to its victims. The Jinnamuru Xunte sprays some kind of parasitic worms that are covered in hooks and barbs. These worms are targeted towards the eyes of the victims and they cannot be removed easily. If the condition is left untreated for long, the worms will bore into the eyes and devour the remains. In their woged form, they have giant black compound eyes like flies, and they also develop razor-sharp teeth and claws.
Their normal hair is replaced by fly-like hairs, and their skin turns pale grey. The tongue of a woged Jinnamuru Xunte is forked and they use it to lick the tears of their victims. These Wesen creatures have a never-ending thirst for tears, and for that they try to involve themselves in work that involves a lot of emotions. You will see them as priests and they often re-visit the families of their victims for the readily available tears.
They are extremely fast, and sometimes their speed is mistaken for teleportation abilities. They are also equally agile and flexible, and this allows them to get away from dangerous situations quite easily. They are also significantly stronger than humans, although Grimms can overpower them. At the same time, Grimms are not invincible in the face of their worm attacks.
Their enhanced hearing saves them in such conditions when the parasitic worms take their eyesight. As is the case with many other Wesens, Jinnamuru Xunte also retains their strength in their woged state and it is much weaker in their human form. They are extremely dependent on the steady supply of tears and in case they are not able to feed regularly, they experience strong withdrawal symptoms.
Huntha Lami Muuaji
Their woged state makes them transform into a disgusting slimy, hairless body that is almost featureless. There are lines running across the bodies, and this makes it look like they are segmented. Their epidermis contains certain enzymes that need to feed on the skin of the host. It damages the skin severely and makes it look like an acid burn. Even their legs change in appearance and take on a stump-like look. They also have another unique ability, which is to switch between male and female genders in their woged form. The male variants are extremely dangerous and absolutely fearless. This flatworm-like Wesen is gender-neutral in this state, and it took some time before Grimms started understanding this nature.
They tend to change genders faster when they are caught up in a heated argument that causes them to get excited. They are not fearful of Grimms, even if they are armed, and this fearlessness is a characteristic feature in this Wesen. They are known to travel in pairs, and it is extremely hard to get the better of them in fights. One must be able to decapitate them immediately. Grimms have to take special precautions while fighting the Huntha Lami Muuaji, and that itself speaks volumes about their strength.
They are among the rarest of Wesen, and these alien-like creatures have a strange woged state. They gain a bulbous head and their nose and ears are barely visible. Their mouth is replaced by yellow fangs and they develop a reptilian, bio-luminescent skin. It has a bluish glow that adds to its alien-like appearance. They contain an enzyme that is found in the likes of fireflies, and this is the reason behind their bioluminescent nature. Infants of Gluhenvolk are born in their woged state. The pregnancy in these Wesens is quite complicated and the mother has to consume cow ovaries regularly to stop a premature delivery of the child. However, by the third trimester, the female is no longer capable enough to hunt, and the male has to do all the hard work for his mate under the cover of darkness.
Their roots have been traced back to Africa, and in the past they were known to have magical properties in their skin. They have been hunted down to extinction, and with time, they became a rare species. The Gluhenvolk are way stronger than humans and many other creatures.
They were seen ripping out cow ovaries with their bare hands. Besides their strength, their incredible speed and agility also make them powerful creatures. They are also known to be very protective about their mates, and any act of violence towards a pregnant Gluhenvolk would call for violent retaliation. However, they are not suckers for fights and choose to do their work quietly. They even choose to attack the cows in their sleep and this also helps lessen the rush of adrenaline and makes the flavor perfect. They are so rare that some other Wesens consider viewing them to be a sign of good luck!
In their woged state, they look like an alligator with their elongated jaws and extended mouths. They also develop sharp teeth, and their hair and ears retract. The skin transforms into a pale-greenish color, and it also becomes considerably thicker. The Gelumcaedus are extremely powerful and they can tear apart a man’s limb effortlessly. Their grip is so firm that it is almost impossible to break free. These creatures are so hardy and durable and even striking them with great force does little damage to them. Considering their large sizes, their speed and agility are quite impressive. They have adapted to a life in dark and fetid conditions, and it doesn’t cause any health problems in them.
The Gelumcaedus are one of the oldest known Wesen species, and they have served in the Praetorian Guard during Caligula’s reign. They were hired to protect the aqueducts, and throughout the history of Rome, they continued in this role. There are periods when they retreat into their bunkers and live off of their plunder. This alligator-like Wesen is extremely aggressive and even the slightest of provocation will bring about a deadly attack. Their methods of killing their victims are extremely brutal and they largely rely on their brute strength to do their bidding. They do fear and respect Grimms, but their fights can be iconic. The Grimms are known to use a specially designed weapon to fight them, and it can kill a Gelumcaedus.
Zerstorer has quite an intimidating presence in his devil-like form. He looks scary with his black skull-like face and the dark eyes that have a bright green glow. Whenever he is angry, the eyes would glow brighter. All of his body is black as if it was burnt and his appearance is always terrifying. The ground that he stood on would start shaking and his deep, rough voice would enhance his demonic form. One of his powerful weapons was a wooden staff that had the ability to create shockwaves that could rattle the enemies. Zerstorer belonged to the Mirror Dimension, and he ruled over all entities that existed there. However, he also had knowledge about the Earth and the creatures in it including the Grimms.
He could woge into a human form, and this was a muscular, tall fellow with blonde hair. The Zerstorer had a strange ability, where he could mimic the exact thing said to him in a foreign language. Unlike some other Wesen, who grew considerably weaker in their human form, Zerstorer was still quite powerful. He could withstand powerful blows, and he could still use his powerful staff with ease. He had the power to turn it into a snake at will, and then turn it back to the wooden staff. This staff is what made him so powerful, and as long as he was holding it even bullets could do him no harm. This is one of the most-feared Wesens for a reason, and the Zerstorer did not fear Grimms as well. He was quite shrewd and manipulative, and he could lure victims into the Mirror Dimension alongside him.
This spider-like Wesen is often referred to as the Black Widow of the Wesen world. There are not too many Spinnetods around, and these rare Wesen have a unique woged form. Chelicerae emerge from their mouth, and their eyes grow black or blue. At the same time, the transformation causes their hands to become gray and wrinkled. They also develop claws and they have a weird physical features. The Spinnetods can drop a part of their limb and it would regenerate within a few days. It is similar to a spider losing its leg, and they also have the agility and speed like the spiders. The female counterparts are even more agile and they are magnificent climbers. They are stronger than the male Spinnetods, and can even be a tough challenge for a Grimm.
Spinnetods also secrete spider venom, and it is characterized by the amino acid latroinsectotoxin that can be quite lethal. The females are known to kill their mates after copulation, and they even consume the male ones. Every five years they molt their skin, and consuming a male’s insides is a must in order to do so. Without this procedure, their skin ages rapidly and hence they must go through with this procedure every once in a while. They are not maniacal killers and they don’t enjoy killing humans.
Their feeding process is weird as well, and it involves vomiting some kind of digestive enzyme in the victim’s mouth. This liquefies the innards so that the Spinnetod can suck out the digested material by biting the abdomen. These Wesens are attracted to shiny stuff, although they themselves have no proper explanation for such attraction. There are some Spinnetods who do not wish to pursue a violent life, and these are called Wieder Spinnetod. While this state is quite peaceful, they have to stay away from shiny things because it aggravates their impulses. These deadly Wesen are one of the toughest to kill, and they were first seen in Tarantella.
This is another devil-like Wesen that is thought to be the basis of the phoenix. They have a woged form that looks like a human made up of jet-black igneous rocks, and they have three digits on their hands and feet. They constantly release white phosphorus from their skin, and this makes them generate flames. These flames can be quite lethal, and these incredible powers stay with them irrespective of their woged state. They have a strange resilience to intense heat, and before they embrace their word form, they usually remove their clothes to avoid burning them.
They would rank among the top five most violent and dangerous Wesen, and their intense heat makes it very hard to get close to them. They all have an extreme pyromania, and committing arson is their favorite crime. The Excandesco almost view the fires that they start as an artist, sitting there to admire the flames as it burns down everything. Its ability to create fire at will makes them a deadly opponent, and the fiery wings of flame can burn the toughest of enemies. They were seen in the episode Trial by Fire!