
    12 Terrifying Creatures Of Star Trek That Would Have Made H.R Giger Proud – Explored!

    Humans have been fascinated and aroused by the idea of aliens since the Greek philosopher Anaximander glanced up at the sky and pondered if anyone else lived out there. And, if we are talking about aliens, Star Trek comes to mind immediately.

    People may falsely claim that Star Trek is just another science-fiction franchise, but once they learn about the franchise’s legacy and the thirteen films, nine television series, three companion series, countless comics, novels, video games, podcasts, role-playing games, and collectibles, they begin to give the franchise the respect it deserves.

    The stories generally concentrate on the adventures and experiences of aliens and humans working for Starfleet Command, an intergalactic peacekeeping, exploration, and other missions. Such stories may appear to be just about fantasy and fiction at first glance, but they are in fact allegories on a variety of socio-cultural and socio-political concerns confronting the modern world.

    Gene Roddenberry, who created the first show that premiered in 1966, was the brains behind it. And, as we all know, the rest is history. It grew into an epic narrative that continues to this day, and no one who has ever seen, heard, or read about the franchise seems to forget about it.

    Star Trek may appear to be about humans traveling through space, but the 300 or so alien races are what make the show what it is. In this movie, we present some of the most terrifying alien species from one of the most well-known and well-loved sci-fi universes: Star Trek.



    The Borgs are a race of cyborgs who hail from the Delta Quadrant. They are also called the Borg Collective because they possess a hive mind, and naturally, no individual in the Borg Collective is truly singular, apart from the probable exception of the Borg Queen. They travel the depths of space in their Borg Cube, in search of diverse sapient species with enhanced technology and knowledge, so that the Borg can assimilate with the species. Naturally, they have gained immense power over the period of time and remain one of the most feared races. Their physiology and biology depend on the organism they have assimilated with.

    Although they are humanoid, few from the Borg Collective haven’t refrained from assimilating with other non-humanoid species. After assimilation, a drone Borg stops developing body hair and gets grayish skin. The cybernetic parts are then implanted surgically or through nanoprobes injected into blood. These cybernetic pieces of equipment integrated into their bodies, help the Borgs perform a myriad of duties, including offense and defense. For instance, neural transceivers enable them to remain connected to the hive mind while force fields safeguard them from most attacks. Drones are also equipped with self-destruct devices that vaporize bodies, hence ensuring that others cannot exploit their technology.



    The Ba’uls are a race of sapient and spacefaring aliens that hail from the planet called Kaminar. They share their world with another Kaminarian race called the Kelpiens, who are tall humanoids with the unique ability to sense danger. But this makes them a primary target of apex hunters because when the Kelpiens are scared, they release endorphins, which makes their meat tastier. But as far as the Ba’ul are concerned, they are extreme isolationists and remain hidden, so much so that no Kelpien has ever seen a Ba’ul for long enough to remember what the Ba’ul looked like.

    The Ba’ul use their advanced technology to keep the Kelpiens at a distance, and naturally, they turned out to be the more superior species amongst the two. From the scarce sightings of the Ba’ul, it has been deduced that they are essentially aquatic humanoids who possess spindly limbs and spikes that can retract. The Kelpiens are a peaceful, pastoral species, but once they reach a biological stage called the vahar’ai, they sacrifice themselves to be devoured by the Ba’ul to maintain the balance in their world.

    But in reality, the process of vahar’ai physically transforms them, and they become predators who hunt the Ba’ul themselves. In the first century, the Ba’ul reached a near-extinction stage, but they turned the tide by developing superior technology and eliminating all vahar’ai Kelpiens. The Ba’ul also made the kelpiens believe that the latter was to submit themselves willingly to them for ritual sacrifice or their homeland, Kaminar, would be in grave danger due to ecological imbalances. Unsurprisingly, these aliens with oily, black, smoky skin were not just technologically advanced but also played with their predator’s mind and psychology.



    The Jem’Hadar were a warrior race, whom the Founders or Changelings genetically created in the Gamma Quadrant. The Founders belong to an ancient civilization with superior powers and faced persecution because of these powers. To save themselves from this violent persecution, they started settling on a planet named Omarion Nebula. The Jem’Hadar look like reptiles and are of the same gender with grey scales. After taking birth in specialized chambers, they develop into adults in just three days and have a life span of fifteen years.

    The Founders wanted the Jem’Hadar to remain loyal to them, so they made sure that the Jem’Hadar became dependent on a drug called the Ketracel White, which also provided them with all necessary nutrition. Without Ketracel White, the Jem’Hadars seem to show what can only be described as withdrawal symptoms and ultimately die. Apart from having excellent strength and vision, the Jem’Hadars possess the power to make themselves invisible to naked eyes as well as sensors. This race of warriors was extremely resilient and strong. Anyone who was fighting an army of this warrior race, needed to equip themselves well.

    As far as their culture is concerned, they believed that leisure and relaxation made them weak, so they never rested. So much so that they didn’t even make use of chairs. This could be attributed to the fact that they were engineered to serve as soldiers and crew. Their long-range weapons could shoot plasma beams, but they also carried several melee weapons.



    Klingons are a race of spacefaring humanoid species who hail from a planet named Qo’nos (pronounced Kronos). They rule the space territory near the border of the Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets. Since the 22nd century, the Klingons have become one of the most powerful and influential species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. They have a warrior mentality and strictly adhere to their code of honor. They are physically large and muscular and possess great strength and durability because of the same. They often showcase strength that’s equal, if not superior to that of other warrior races like Jem’Hadars.

    As far as their internal anatomy is concerned, it is supernumerary and redundant with extra organs that serve as backups. These include a surplus set of kidneys, three lungs, and eight-chambered heart, two brain stems, and a skeletal system that is harder and more extensive than most of the other races. Furthermore, they have the ability to grow an extra spine whenever necessary. Because of their rapid metabolism, they have heightened regenerative capacities. In fact, even Klingon children are aggressive and fierce from the time they learn to walk, and are trained to hone their combat and hunting skills. This nature bears a stark resemblance with the Yautjas or Predators, who train the unblooded and young blooded from a tender age.



    “We will no longer bow before anyone as slaves. Not the Romulans and not your mighty Federation. We… are a race-bred for war and conquest.”

    Shinzon to Jean-Luc Picard, 2379 (Star Trek Nemesis)

    The Remans were a caste of slave laborers, who worked in unsafe conditions in the dilithium mines, under the Romulan people. They hailed from the planet of Remus, which was a tidally locked planet, and the Remans lived on the darker side of the planet. Naturally, they were extremely sensitive to light. Having said that, the Reman people are known to be great warriors. A Romulan senator named Vrax had appointed two Reman bodyguards for his safety and to intimidate others. They also possessed telepathic abilities.

    It is widely believed that the Reman language is the most complex language in the universe. In 2379 AD, the Remans fought and seized power from their Romulan masters following a military coup, and installed their leader named Shinzon, as the head of the empire. It was writer John Logan who came forward with the idea of portraying the Remans as the prime antagonists of ‘Star Trek Nemesis’, but the Remans were never an established alien race in any Star Trek canon. Naturally, Logan had to explain who the Remans were to Brent Spiner and Rick Berman and convinced them, who then asked Logan to go ahead with the idea.



    Gorns are cold-blooded creatures with reptilian traits like green, rubbery skin but are essentially humanoid in stature, and can grow up to two meters in height. This makes them stronger than most humanoid creatures, but they are less agile and slow. They have holes instead of ears, and their mouths have an array of razor-sharp teeth, which indicates that they are carnivorous. Furthermore, they have vicious claws in their hands and feet. Interestingly enough, the Gorns have two different kinds of eyes. While some of them possess silvery, compound eyes like those of insects, the others have humanoid eyes with pupils.

    Some theorize that the Gorns can be compared to the Velociraptors or the Deinonychus because of the cunning mind that these species share. Due to their reptilian appearance, many falsely believed that Gorns are less intelligent aliens. Contrary to this belief, they are as intelligent as humans. The Gorns first appeared in 1967, in the 18th episode of Star Trek, in which Captain Kirk fought a Gorn on a rocky, arid planet. Although this scene is considered to be one of the most memorable scenes of the original series, some fans consider Gorn’s slow movement and fighting style to be unintentionally funny.



    Armus was created unintentionally, as a by-product of an extremely advanced and ancient race of beings on the planet Vagra II in the Zed Lapis sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. The race responsible for Armus’s creation had found a way to discard all their aggressive tendencies. However, these evil instincts merged together and formed some sort of a second skin, which the ancient race of Viagra II got rid of. The newly purified aliens then abandoned the planet and left Armus behind. Unsurprisingly, Armus was the only inhabitant on the planet and was a hostile and malignant being made out of substances that can only be described as the essence of pure evil.

    As far as Armus’s physical structure is concerned, it is an amorphous black liquid that can assume any form, including a vaguely humanoid form. This vicious embodiment of evil is practically a sink for all incoming damage and absorbs energy. Furthermore, Armus possesses psychic powers like telekinesis and teleportation. The forcefields that Armus creates, easily disrupt communication systems, and its energy discharges can potentially kill any humanoid. One of its darkest powers is engulfing humanoids intact and keeping them alive inside his viscous body, while it tortures them mentally. This tells us how sadistic of a being it really is, and how much it enjoys inflicting pain upon others who enter its planet. However, Armus is stuck in a vast prison that it cannot escape, and its only wish is to leave the planet.

    Species 8472 or Undine

    Species 8472 or Undine

    Species 8472 or Undine are a complex race with a unique biological structure. The Undine DNA has a triple helix formation and therefore has the most densely coded DNA amongst all known species of organisms. To give you a viewpoint of their complexity, the Undine or Species 8472 have five different sexes. Their immune system is so strong and potent, that it can destroy any alien object penetrating their bodies, irrespective of the object being chemical, biological, or technological. Naturally, they use their immune system for offensive purposes as well, and if cornered, they use their claws to attack.

    When attacking with their claws, their cells come in contact with the opponent and infiltrate the opponent’s bodies. Next thing we know, Species 8472’s cells destroy all biological systems of the opponent and eat them inside out. Additionally, they can emit a biogenic field around their bodies which makes pinpointing their exact location nearly impossible. These distinctly non-humanoid creatures have increased height and dense musculature, which enable them to penetrate forcefields and rip apart bulkheads with ease.

    They are also known to withstand space vacuum. Their muscular bodies with little soft tissue, grant them great agility and speed. Also, Species 8472 is a highly advanced species that use bioships, which are living organic vessels but are heavily armed and armored. The ship’s main computer resembles a nervous system. If nine of these bioships combine to form a single unit, the resultant firepower can destroy entire planets. They go on to take such extreme measures because they believe that all lifeforms are impure or weak, making Species 8472 a highly xenophobic race of beings.

    Salt Vampires

    Salt Vampires

    Once upon a time, the Salt Vampires had a huge population that ran in several million, but at some point in time, the salt supply on their planet M 113 got cut, and their numbers soon dwindled. They came to the verge of extinction. A salt vampire was placed as a showpiece in the drawing-room of Trelane’s house, but it was later destroyed. Commander Jack Ransom encountered a salt vampire masquerading as a young girl, which ultimately attacked Ransom. They could measure a little over one and a half meters, and had brownish skin with purple fringes and yellow eyes. Their saggy faces gave them an eternally saddened appearance, but one should never judge a book by its cover.

    These are highly intelligent creatures that could shapeshift to some extent. The salt vampires are called so because they have the ability to extract salt from the prey, through the suckers placed in their fingers. They are known to feed on humans but seem to have an affliction towards Spock. They attack their prey by drawing out an image of someone appealing or trustworthy from the prey’s mind. After the prey gives in to this fake person, the salt vampires attack to suck the salt out. The salt vampires used their ability to shapeshift in a manner similar to that of the Changeling’s cellular mimicry. 



    The Cardassians were a race of humanoids who hailed from the Alpha Quadrant, more specifically the planet named Cardassia Prime, which was the capital of the Cardassian Union. They were known to be violent and ruthless beings of the Alpha Quadrant. They ultimately went on to become the archenemies of the United Federation of Planets and that of the Klingon Empire. Like Species 8472, the Cardassians were also an extremely xenophobic race. It became more apparent through their Setlik III massacre during the course of the Cardassian Border Wars, and once again during the Occupation of Bajor.

    They appeared in the 1987 series ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation and then in the subsequent series, namely ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ and ‘Star Trek: Voyager’. The writers of the 1987 series introduced them in the fourth season’s episode called ‘The Wounded’. The Cardassians were made the villains for USS Enterprise D and its crew. This was essential because the other antagonists, the Borg, lacked the essential individuality and personality.

    Naturally, the writers needed a more intelligent enemy race, with whom the crew could interact, and get their hands on enough fodder for portraying some interpersonal drama. The series is set in the 24th century where the Cardassians live under a strict military regime and control the interstellar empire called the Cardassian Union. They occupy several planets with sheer force and violence; one notable victim planet being Bajor.



    The term Ferengi is derived from the word Firangi is of Persian origin, which means foreigner. They are humanoid aliens that hail from the rainy planet of Ferenginar. Their culture is based entirely on monetary gains and principles of capitalism. Earning more wealth is Ferengi’s ultimate purpose in life. The most prominent feature that differentiates a Ferengi from a human is the former’s large external ear lobes, which also serve as a potent erogenous spot.

    These earlobes also provide them with enhanced hearing abilities. Interestingly, their complex and large brains are difficult to read, even by telepathic species. Although their society is like that of humans, it is awfully patriarchal and misogynistic, so much so that women are supposed to remain at home and refrain from practicing any business or earning profit. They were created for the 1987 show ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation and played an important part in other shows like ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

    They served as the new antagonists for the crew of USS Enterprise D and made their first appearance in the fourth episode titled ‘The Last Outpost’. Later in the series, the writers made them less menacing and gave them a comical character. They essentially are a satirical representation of humans of the 20th century. Some critics, however, have drawn comparisons between the Ferengi’s and the anti-Semitic stereotypes of Jews, but the creators of the show and its writers often argue that this alien species only represents human greed.



    The Hirogen were a race of nomadic hunters who traveled through the depths of the Delta Quadrant in search of prey, during the latter part of the 24th century. Much like the Yautjas of the Predator universe, they saw other species of organisms as prey. But unlike the Yautjas, the Hirogen showed little to no compassion for other species and almost never honored anyone from another race.

    The Hirogen males were larger than most humanoid species and therefore possessed enhanced strength and stamina. This strength was also a result of their more advanced muscles and nervous system. Their senses were near perfect, and their immune system made them highly resilient to any form of sedatives. Fascinatingly, the Hirogen females pursued the males, who owned unique and rare trophies that they acquired during their hunt; another trait that’s similar to the Yautjas who collected skulls and spines as trophies. Their technology was not intended to provide comfort or improve the standard of living. It served one and one purpose only. Perfecting the hunt!

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