Plot- The actual story is based on four brave young men and their families who lost their lives to serial murderer Stephen Port. In the face of police failings, they battled for justice for their loved ones.
Is “The Barking Murders” based on a true story?
“The Barking Murders” is not based on a true story. The Barking Murders is a British crime drama television series set in the United Kingdom (2022). The Barking Murders TV Series stars Stephen Merchant, Sheridan Smith, and Leanne Best (2022). The final segments of the three-part series, formerly known as The Barking Murders, will run on June 6th. Britbox, a joint venture between BBC-ITV and Britbox, will air the series in the United States.
Stephen Merchant (Logan) will play serial killer Stephen Port in the upcoming BBC series The Barking Murders, which is based on a true story. The BBC takes a different approach to the issue than the tabloids, and the three-part drama “The Barking Killings” will tell the story of the London murders from the perspective of the victims’ families. Stephen Merchant will play the serial killer who is accused of murdering four people.
On June 6th, BritBox will premiere this new series.