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The Batman Review – If You Are Going To Watch Only One Movie In 2022, This Should Be That One Film!

Superheroes exist, and then there is Batman! Making a Batman film is no less like playing with fire since the character demands a certain kind of emotion that makes the fans so devoted. One incorrect move, one blunder, and the fans will devour the creators. Perhaps this is why so many well-known directors have shied away from directing Batman films.

Back in the day, Christopher Nolan accepted the challenge, and his legacy set the standard so high that no one anticipated it to be breached, let alone reached. However, The Batman, with a fresh take on the caped crusader, comes near to, and dare we say, even matches, the kind of brilliance that enthralled us with Christopher Nolan’s Batman.

For starters, delivering something truly unique when it comes to a popular character like Batman is always a problem. Because the universe of comic books, animated shows, movies, and history is so vast, any depiction is sure to feel familiar. So, how does Matt Reeves, the director, manage to break the monotony?

How did he manage to captivate the audience, and how did the cast members fill shoes that were impossible to fill? In this video, we will address all of your questions as we look at The Batman, a film that well exceeded our expectations. This video does not include any spoilers, but it will explain why you should go to the cinemas to see this spectacular!

Originality of the Narrative Steals the Show

Originality of the Narrative Steals the Show

Is it a detective story, is it a serial killer thriller, or is it a superhero movie? Well, it is a bit of everything, and too many cooks do not spoil the broth here. Matt Reeves has expertly handled the multiple aspects of the plot and woven them together into a well-knit narrative that is addictively engaging. Batman here acts more as an investigator than anything else, but that doesn’t mean that the director has shied away from the typical Batman moments.

The Batmobile, for instance, steals the show with its jaw-dropping presence. Is it the best Batmobile that we have seen in movies? Quite possibly yes, and the chase scenes are sure to give you the goosebumps. Yes, they have certainly used CGI, but the quality of such special effects has developed so much that it looks a bit too real.

Anyway, coming back to the plot, a sadistic killer is on a murderous spree, and he leaves some cryptic clues for the investigators to follow. Batman is relatively new to his role as the masked vigilante, and he is still not fully trusted by the police department. However, Gordon has a strange friendship and faith in him, and they set out to unravel the mystery.

Slowly, the killer’s plans become evident, and it throws up some tests for Batman that will test his tenacity, personality, and wisdom. The poor guy is already struggling with plenty of issues, and this just adds to his woes because he is up against the mighty Riddler, the killer who loves a fair bit of the puzzle in his crimes.

Batman must forge new friendships and these unlikely alliances are the key to his fight against the insane killer. As the fight intensifies in a dark and corrupt Gotham, the Dark Knight is all set to meet his match!

The plot has borrowed from multiple comic books, but the originality is written all over the movie. In fact, it is not even related to the previous movies in any manner. Even the portrayal of Batman that we see here is very different from what we have seen before. The director fulfills his promise of delivering an innovative take on Batman, and the movie is going to be a crown on his head for times to come!

The Cast Shines Bright – Pattinson shines the Brightest!

The Cast Shines Bright – Pattinson shines the Brightest!

Many people were wildly opposed to the idea of Robert Pattinson starring as Batman. Well, his sins of the Twilight stuff were certainly cleared by some enchanting performances, especially in the movie The Lighthouse. Now that he was given the opportunity to play Batman, he grabbed it with both hands.

He is terrific as the Dark Knight, and he slips into the role almost effortlessly. However, there will be some talk regarding the kind of Batman that has been portrayed. For instance, there is hardly much of a difference between Bruce Wayne the billionaire and Batman the vigilante in terms of personality.

We are mostly used to seeing a flamboyant, carefree attitude from Bruce Wayne that exudes confidence, but this time it is slightly different. It can be argued that the absence of the sharp changes in character is probably because Batman here is still getting used to his new role. As the narrative suggests, he has only been acting as the masked vigilante for two years, and clearly, he hasn’t fully adjusted to his new avatar yet.

Most people secretly love the idea of a superhero that succumbs to his own demons, but still gets up to fight when the time comes. Batman’s struggle is obvious in many scenes, and Robert Pattinson does an unbelievable job of bringing it on screen. His Batman’s voice completes the persona, and the audience will be over the moon with their new Batman. I swear, watching this movie will surely change your opinion on Robert Pattinson, in case you were still struggling with his Twilight persona!

The best part is the kind of actors he is surrounded by in this movie. Paul Dano will blow your mind with his portrayal of the Riddler. These might be big words, but this is one performance that goes close to Heath Ledger’s brilliance in The Dark Knight! For a major part of the movie, you will simply try to comprehend what the Riddler is up to and why, and that is precisely the intention of the director.

He is dark, he is unpredictable, and man can he throw the audience into a tizzy! This is the closest you can get to the perfect Batman villain, and Riddler’s part in the movie is what transforms it into the league of excellence. If Riddler wasn’t enough, you also have Penguin played by Colin Farrell. He is totally unrecognizable under all that prosthetic, and even the trailer hinted at what was about to come. Watching Colin Farrell slip into the character is blissful, and Penguin scores high in the maze of stories that come together in the movie.

As for the supporting characters for Batman, Jeffrey Wright plays a very convincing Gordon. He is stuck with a bizarre crime sequence, and he is often clueless about the way ahead. The city is sinking under corruption, and in the darkest hour, he is willing to get any help he can. Luckily for him, batman is an able ally, and the equation between the two is fun to watch. Gordon doesn’t overdo his part, never outshines Batman, but maintains his presence nevertheless.

A special word of appreciation has to be reserved for Zoe Kravitz who is the alluring and slick Catwoman. She nailed the role to perfection, and the chemistry between Batman and Catwoman is tantalizing, even when they are fighting each other. The narrative doesn’t make an effort to give you the origin stories of these characters, and this is indicative of the fact that they have existed in Gotham long before the story of the movie begins.

Rather, Batman is relatively new and needs some introduction, but the other characters kind of explain themselves. There are some surprises in terms of the cast, but let’s not ruin it for you before the official release. Let’s just say, the acting performance is one of the strongest assets of The Batman, and the movie wouldn’t have been the same without the kind of talent it had.

Gotham – the Silent Showstopper!

Gotham – the Silent Showstopper!

We almost forgot about Gotham while talking about the cast! Yes, you heard us right! Gotham City in this movie is no less than a character in itself. We all have a particular image of Gotham in our minds, but never did we realize how accurate the portrayal in the movie would be. For one, the city is always shown in the dark, and that adds to the ambiance in a massive way.

The visual effects and aesthetics couldn’t be any better, and Gotham City literally speaks to the audience. It tells you about the rotting society, the ample corruption, and the desperate hopelessness that has grasped the city. The beauty of it is that it looks like any other metropolis in the United States, but there is something distinctly different that sets it apart.

For the audience, it looks soothing, and it helps in telling the story better and we couldn’t have dreamed of a better platform for the narrative! Add to that the enchanting musical score by Michael Giacchino, and the atmosphere is ripe for some serious Batman story to go down.

Marvelous Verdict

Marvelous Verdict

We are really struggling to find flaws with this movie, and Matt Reeves has perfected his art. He has already impressed us with his previous works like Cloverfield and Let me In, and this movie just shows what a fine director he has grown into.

He has shaped the characters carefully, and the editing work has left no stones unturned. Don’t miss out on the subtle humor in the movie, which is enough to put a smile on your face amidst all the serious moments. Batman Begins by Nolan is filled with jokes and one-liners to make the audience laugh.

Even the other two movies in the Nolan-verse have a decent dose of humor. This one, however, is very different and the humor is almost dangerous! You may have to dig for it, but when you find it, you have struck oil! The CGI effects are spot on, the production values are impeccable, and you really need to be a very harsh critic to hate this wonderful effort.

So, our verdict is pretty simple! Book your tickets at the earliest and catch this modern-day classic in full flow. The effects of the theatre cannot be recreated at home, and when the sound of the booming Batmobile engine thumps your chest, you will know that such Batman movies don’t come by too often!

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