
    The Ferocious Warrior Valkyrie Is All Set To Make An Entry In Predator: Hunting Grounds

    Released in April of last year, Predator: hunting Grounds is an action multiplayer video game developed by IllFonic and published by Sony Entertainment for PlayStation 4 and Windows. Set in some faraway woods, four military operatives must complete their goals and missions before the predator can find and finish them off. Although many Yautja themed games kept releasing, Hunting Grounds is the first major game to release since Predator: Concrete Jungle in 2005. With four players playing as a team and one playing as the Predator, this is the first game in the franchise that allows the option to choose a female Predator and today. The badass Valkyrie has been introduced.

    Who is Valkyrie?

    Valkyrie’s history can be traced all the way back to when the Viking Raiders began killing Yautjas. As the mighty creature’s legend reached more and more households, these raiders started to treat their murder as something honourable and even took pleasure in doing so. Angered, the Yautjas sent Valkyrie to battle, who is supposedly their deadliest warrior. In the paid DLC, along with some exciting upgrades, Valkyrie can be all yours to try and slay, or perhaps use to hunt others down.

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    What will be her weapon?

    With her two-headed Norse hammer that renders insane close-range damage, Valkyrie is sure not going to be easy to defeat, but if one does manage to do so, they might as well declare themselves the champion of the game. Predator: hunting Ground was composed by Jamieson Trotter, Otto Andelin, and Mark Rutherford and developed via Unreal Engine of Epic Games.

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