The television show ‘The Walking Dead’ first premiered in 2010 and is currently in its tenth season. The show captures the lives of a few remaining survivors in an otherwise zombie-infested world and has been adapted from comic books of the same name. This zombie horror series has had four confirmed spin-offs, with two of them still in their development phase. ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ is an ongoing spin-off that started in 2015 and is considered by some fans to be better than the original show because it explores its characters. Another spin-off titled ‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’ started just recently in 2020 and is confirmed to have only two seasons with ten episodes each. ‘Tales of the Walking Dead’ and an untitled spin-off are still in the works.
Why does Dean believe Negan deserves more limelight?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays the role of Negan in ‘The Walking Dead,’ is currently one of the most important characters on the show. As reported earlier, his real-life spouse, Hilarie Burton, will soon be making a cameo as his on-screen wife, Lucille. A fan asked Dean on Twitter if there is even the slightest possibility of another Walking Dead spin-off, focusing on Negan, and he replied, saying there are many. After the episode titled here’s Negan was announced, fans have been excited to see his back story and determine his choices, so he went from being a bad guy to being the right guy. Dean has stated clearly that the doors should not close on the exploration of this exciting character after just an episode. He is also invested in the possibility of comic ‘Negan Lives’ from ‘The Walking Dead’ saga to be turned into a film.
Robert Kirkman creates the Walking Dead, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard and the show star Andrew Lincoln (‘Penguin Bloom,’ 2020), Norman Reedus (‘Blade II,’ 2002), Danai Gurira (‘Black Panther,’ 2018), Lauren Cohen (‘Whiskey Cavalier,’ 2019) and Chandler Riggs (‘Only,’ 2019).