
    This Underrated 90’s Fantastic Four Animated Series Is Brilliant – Darkest And Best Moments Explored

    Dark moments are not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of superheroes and animated series, yet they are present. Today, we will take a look at some of the darker scenes from the Fantastic 4 animated series from 1994. For the most part, the Fantastic Four adaptations have gotten the setup from creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby straight, and this is the case for the 1994-95 program. It depicts our friends boarding an experimental spaceship, being hit by cosmic rays, and returning to Earth transformed.

    In this one, Mr. Fantastic is a more malleable version of Reed Richards, the group’s cerebral leader. The Invisible Woman is played by Sue Storm, or, in this case, Sue Richards, his wife. Sue’s brother, Johnny, takes up the role of the Human Torch, a fire-breathing superhero. Finally, Ben Grimm is the most sympathetic character, as The Thing grants him great power and invulnerability in exchange for his body being converted into a lump of orange rock.

    The crew develops into a team of adventurers after assimilating their new talents as much as possible, facing alien and extradimensional threats as well as more local but outrageous supervillains. They continue to function as a family, despite the fact that they have a range of dysfunctions. It is a terrific series premise, and as the first true Marvel comic, it set the tone for decades of brilliant stories about imperfect heroes in a world populated by superhumans but plagued by human frailty. Let us go right into the series’ dark and brutal moments.

    The Prince of Atlantis Kidnaps Sue Storm And Forces Her To Marry Him

    The Prince of Atlantis Kidnaps Sue Storm And Forces Her To Marry Him

    In the episode Now Comes the Sub-Mariner which is the third episode of the first season, Namor prince of Atlantis summons a sea monster, which the Fantastic Four must defeat. Namor kidnaps Sue and puts the surface world in jeopardy and this is the first dark moment we will be exploring today. The soldiers of Atlantis have threatened to wage war on the surface because of environmental damage. The Sub-Mariner, Prince Namor, is willing to put an end to a conflict if Susan Richards will quit the Fantastic Four and join him and this is how it happens.

    Something appears out of the ocean behind her as Sue walks down the beach, just a little far away from where Reed is sitting. She comes to a halt and turns around to see Namor standing in the shadows. He reaches out and holds her, shutting off her screams. He tells her she doesn’t have to fight and jumps into the ocean.

    They continue to swim down a tunnel and emerge into a vast area where they can see the massive underwater city. ‘It’s Atlantis’, he says, and his capital city is waiting for her. ‘You won’t get away with this, she yells. 

    As she claims that her teammates will track her down and rescue her. She gasps for air, however, she is then taken aback when she realizes she can breathe. Namor reveals that he pumped air into the huge dome he had made for her. Namor had become fascinated by her beauty as Sue had with him ever since they first met at the beginning of the episode and even though she was charmed, she did not appreciate being kidnapped.

    However, Namor took it one step too far. She requests to be returned to the surface world, but he informs her that this is not possible. He explains that unless she agrees to stay, his warrior army would make the surface pay for, the filth they have caused. He only gives her twenty-four hours to make a decision.

    He approaches the pool and jumps in. She sits alone and stunned, the flowers that Namor had given her, falling to the ground. She was stuck with an impossible choice considering that she had a husband and also wanted to protect mankind.

    Galactus Comes To Feed on Earth

    Galactus Comes To Feed on Earth

    Superheroes have seen many world-threatening foes such as Loki and Thanos and in The Silver Surfer & the Coming of Galactus: Part 1 & 3 which are the fifth and sixth episodes of the first season respectively, we meet another world-ending foe. In Part 1, inside Reed’s laboratory, the powerful creature known as the Watcher appears.

    He adds that he has been striving to keep the presence of Earth from the Silver Surfer’s notice. He goes on to say that the Surfer is Galactus’ advance scout, a tremendous cosmic creature who absorbs entire worlds’ elemental energy, leaving them as little more than dried, lifeless husks. Meanwhile, the Surfer probes the debris field and discovers Earth beneath it.

    He flies to the Baxter Building’s roof and transmits a cosmic signal to Galactus. The planet-devouring Worldship of Galactus appears in the skies above Manhattan. Galactus emerges from the ship, declaring his purpose to consume the entire world. A dark moment for all of mankind indeed.

    In Part 2, The Watcher tries to persuade Galactus to leave Earth alone while he is on the planet. When negotiations fail, Johnny and Thing attempt to confront Galactus, but to no avail. The Watcher instructs them to reasonable. Meanwhile, Galactus continues to work on his planet-eating gadget, and the Watcher explains to the Fantastic Four what would happen if Galactus succeeds.

    The Watcher informs that the Human Torch will be required to recover a device from Galactus’ spacecraft. When the Fantastic Four attack Galactus’ nearly finished gadget, the planet eater summons Firelord and Terrax to protect him.

    The Watcher uses a gadget to augment Johnny’s powers to the point that he can travel to Galactus’ ship and collect the weapon they need to fight him, taking advantage of the confusion and delay. Additional help also arrives as Alicia persuades the Surfer to assist in the Earth’s rescue. Thus saving the Earth from a grim fate.

    Dark Origin of Dr. Doom

    Dark Origin of Dr. Doom

    The Mask of Doom: Part I, II & III, episodes eight, nine, and ten of the first season respectively detail Dr. Doom’s dark origins. In the first episode, Doctor Doom enslaves the Fantastic Four with an energy field and Reed recognizes Victor von Doom, an old college classmate when Doom calls out to them.

    In his ship, he flies above the team, kidnaps them, and transports them to his castle in Latveria. Each member is imprisoned in a specific jail designed to resist their abilities. Sue is then released and invited to supper. She follows him out of concern for the team’s safety.

    Doom then tells Sue about his father’s story over supper in Part 2 and we realize how grim his life has been and why he took the route of villainy. She listens intently in the hopes of learning more about the man who is holding her companion prisoner. His father Werner von Doom, was a brilliant gypsy scientist and doctor who used his superior skills to help cure the locals, according to the story.

    A gang of robbers ambushed him, wanting to steal his secrets. He defeats them with the aid of cutting-edge technology. A local baron then hired Werner to heal his wife, but Werner was unable to do so. The baron dispatched his soldiers to track down Werner and his son, but his father succumbs to hypothermia while on the run, leaving Victor alone.

    Later, he enrolls at Empire State University in New York, where he meets Reed Richards, another young scientist. Victor’s research was too risky for them to work together, and one night while working alone, one of his experiments exploded, scarring his face.

    He journeys to the Himalayas in search of a cure for his disability and meets a group of monks who assist him in forging a mask that will become his true face. While Doom talks to Sue and relays his story, the rest of the squad must risk their lives to save Sue from Doom’s traps.

    Earth becomes a target of warlords

    Earth becomes a target of warlords

    Another instance of the future of humanity is at stake in Behold the Negative Zone, S01 Ep12. As two rival leaders from other worlds jump through the Negative Zone and declare war on one other over the earth, Reed inadvertently establishes a gateway in the Baxter Building. Reed’s lab is invaded by a creature named Annihilus, who is soon followed by his mortal enemy, Blastaar.

    The Fantastic Four discover that these two villains are from the Negative Zone and that they must rescue them before it’s too late. They intend to dominate the globe, like every evil one wishes, and Earth has become entangled in their feud. This is one of just two first-season episodes with original writing rather than an adaptation. “The Silver Surfer and the Return of Galactus” is the other.

    Blastaar was the ruler of the planet Baluur, which was located in the Negative Zone. He was despised by his people, and after being deposed, he was exiled from the planet. He then drifted across the Negative Zone, unconscious. When Triton entered the Negative Zone to help Mr. Fantastic, he was reawakened, and he followed them back to the Baxter Building through their portal.

    Annihilus is the emperor of the Negative Zone and a lifelong opponent of the Fantastic Four. He is a native of the planet Arthos. He is a nihilist who is preoccupied with extending his life span and isn’t opposed to eliminating everything that he perceives as a threat to his existence. He is the only being in the Negative Zone capable of opposing Blastaar, and Annihilus wants to take control as well.

    Thus, as was expected of these two, a fight between the two would have been massive with major repercussions for the Earth but the Fantastic Four do what they do best and manage to save the day.

    Victor von Doom Steal Silver Surfer’s Unimaginable Powers

    Victor von Doom Steal Silver Surfer's Unimaginable Powers

    We all know how powerful the Silver Surfer is. The Silver Surfer made many appearances in the 1994 Marvel Action Hour animated series, voiced by Robin Sachs, which likewise followed the original comic book tale faithfully, recalling his and Galactus’ arrival on Earth, as well as Doctor Doom’s theft of his powers. The Silver Surfer was given the Power Cosmic, which is the source of his abilities, including the ability to control and consume energy, create forcefields, and other superhuman feats. The Silver Surfer and the Return of Galactus detail how Dr. Doom stole the Silver surfer’s power for his own evil intentions.

    For the team, it’s a double whammy in this episode. Doctor Doom has finally returned after their time-traveling treasure quest with Galactus in the previous episodes, who is attempting to engulf Earth once more after having been thwarted once already.

    The Silver Surfer joins in the action, although he’s feeling impotent right now because Doom has the Power Cosmic and it is this stealing of powers that serves to be one of the grim moments in this series. Doom, armed with enormous strength, is on a mission to dominate the Earth, while Galactus strives to satiate his galactic appetite. The Fantastic Four are the only ones who can save the planet!

    The Fantastic Four Lose All Their Powers

    The Fantastic Four Lose All Their Powers

    What is worse than a lost superhero? A superhero without any powers and in this episode, we have four of them. In the episode titled And a Blind Man Shall Lead Them which serves as the opener for the second season. The Fantastic Four are rescued from the Pacific by a US Navy submarine crew after surviving the Q-Bomb prepared to explode by the Frightful Four but being lost at sea.

    When Reed is taken to the hospital, he dreams about their defeat at the hands of their evil counterparts. When the Fantastic Four eventually wake up after their adventure, they discover that the radiation from the Q-Bomb blast has taken away their abilities.

    Reed conducts a series of tests upon their return to the United States, concluding that they had lost their abilities. This confirms both their and our, the viewers, worst fears as we grapple with what our heroes will do without their famous and coveted powers. This one is truly a dark moment for all four of them and the fans.

    Fearing that his adversaries will attack when they are most vulnerable, he begins developing technological replacements for their abilities. However, it is also in this episode that Dr. Doom sees his chance to attack,  with the four all weakened and no superpowers to defeat or oppose him. However, Daredevil makes an appearance to save the day.

    The Inhumans Versus The Fantastic Four

    The Inhumans Versus The Fantastic Four

    Inhumans Saga: Part 1, 2 &3 spans three episodes of season 2 and marks the introduction of the Inhumans in the Marvel universe. Ben gets ambushed by Hydro-Man, Medusa, and Trapster in the opening episode of the saga, And the Wind Cries Medusa and is brainwashed by their commander, the Wizard, into turning against Reed.

    Ben leads his buddies into a warehouse and holds them captive with the Frightful Four until Alicia convinces him otherwise. In the second episode, The Inhumans Among Us, Johnny is entangled in a chase between Gorgon and Medusa, and the Fantastic Four pursue them until Gorgon destroys the building they crash into. Johnny is greeted by the Inhumans, who have no desire to interact with humans other than Crystal. When the other three come, Black Bolt engages in combat.

    The Inhumans confront the Fantastic Four in Beware the Hidden Land, and although Johnny is captured by them and the other three are abducted by the Seeker, who answers to Maximus the Mad. With the help of the Fantastic Four, the Inhumans attempt to overthrow Maximus. Although Maximus’ Acmo gun fails, the city of Attilan is sealed.

    The battle between the Inhumans and the Fantastic Four is long and hard and is quite the dark moment in an otherwise light and fun series however, as is with most superhero outings, things end up well and all is good in the end with the Inhumans no longer being opposed to or posing a threat to the Fantastic Four.

    Ego, The Living Planet Enters The Solar system To Eat Earth

    Ego, The Living Planet Enters The Solar system To Eat Earth

    In the episode titled To Battle the Living Planet, in season 2, Thor enlists the help of the Fantastic Four to battle the planet that wants to eat the earth, a recurring theme at this point in the show – earlier seen in the showdown with Galactus. The Fantastic Four follow Thor’s hammer all the up to Thor’s spaceship where they find him lying unconscious. The ship takes off in the direction of a big green cloud with a form.

    They are startled when they notice huge tentacles floating in space. Then they hear a voice calling out to them, claiming to be Ego, the living planet. The ship emerges from the green cloud to find itself on a planet. Its surface transforms into a massive face. Its eyeballs fire projectiles toward the ship. The thing tries valiantly to correct the ship. It just misses two tentacles as the engines flare.

    Thor’s pod is shaken loose and crashes against the wall, terrifying the four. Invisible Woman returns the stare and raises Thor with her abilities. Their ship descends in a spiral towards Ego. Torch rises to assist Thor, while Invisible Woman maintains his balance. The shuttle gets very close to the surface of Ego as they try and land.

    Fantastic detects a swarm of thruster rockets in the distance. He deduces that Ego makes use of them to get around. He believes that if the thrusters are destroyed, Ego’s march towards Earth will be halted. The planet, on the other hand, captures them with tentacles and ooze that rises from the ground.

    Ego informs them that he has tracked down his sworn adversary and plans to exterminate humanity. Ego drags the four into the muck. Galactus, in an unexpected turn of events, comes to their aid, although he obviously looks out for himself because he knows that devouring all of Ego’s energy will power him, and he manages to defeat the menacing planet.

    Thor And Ghostrider Versus Galactus

    Thor And Ghostrider Versus Galactus

    In the eighth episode of the second season, When Calls Galactus, we see both Thor and Ghost Rider face off against Galactus, the planet devouring villain. Still depressed over Crystal, Johnny meets Frankie Raye, a girl with the ability to manipulate and control flames and it turns out that she is a supporter of Galactus.

    Meanwhile, Terrax attacks Manhattan and raises it many miles into the air, demanding that the Fantastic Four discover and destroy Galactus on his behalf thus double-crossing his master. When Calls Galactus is arguably the best episode of the series, and it serves as a sort of follow-up to To Battle a Living Planet.

    It was strange to see Galactus so frail. He still had his amazing booming voice, but you could tell the storyboard artists and directors went to great lengths to make him appear ill. It was excellent stuff, sitting down instead of looming over everyone, hunched in his chair, his head tilted, his eyes sleepy.

    The Planet Devourer and Ghost Rider had a brief encounter. Ghost Rider arrived in New York City on his motorcycle to see Galactus fighting the Fantastic Four and Thor. Galactus was summoned, and he utilized the Penance Stare on him. Surprisingly, the strike was successful because Galactus felt guilty about killing billions of beings around the universe. After that, Ghost Rider vanished from the scene, leaving the Fantastic Four to cope with Galactus.

    Dr. Doom manipulates the unstoppable Hulk into fighting the Fantastic Four

    Dr. Doom manipulates the unstoppable Hulk into fighting the Fantastic Four

    The Hulk makes an appearance in Nightmare in Green, the eighth episode of season two of Fantastic Four: The Animated Series. Doctor Doom was secretly watching Hulk and Thing battle as they were fighting. Doom recognizes that Hulk is definitely more powerful than Thing, and he intends to use him against the Fantastic Four. Doctor Doom then has a robotic raven with a built-in camera follow him around and discovers that Hulk is a human.

    Bruce Banner’s motel room is invaded by Doctor Doom. Doctor Doom is able to stop Banner from transforming into the Hulk by blasting him with gamma rays. Doom then kidnaps Banner and takes him to his Latverian embassy. Doctor Doom then unleashes gamma rays on Bruce Banner, causing him to turn into the Hulk. Doctor Doom greets the Hulk and introduces himself as his buddy.  He says, ‘ Rick Jones is Hulk’s sole friend’.

    Doom, on the other hand, shows Hulk videos of Rick Jones with the Fantastic Four, leading Hulk to believe Jones has abandoned Hulk and joined the Fantastic Four. Hulk becomes enraged, and Doctor Doom tells him that killing the Fantastic Four is the only way to make Rick his buddy again.

    After this, when the Fantastic Four come across Hulk, he goes berserk on them, and even when Rick tries to reason with him, Hulk refuses to listen because his mind has been distorted by Doctor Doom. It is quite a dark and grim time as we watch Hulk get brainwashed and turned against his friends and the people that care about him because of Dr. Doom’s unending quest for power.

    However, all is well that ends well and Hulk realizes that Dr. Doom manipulated him, and together with the Fantastic Four, they manage to stop Dr. Doom’s evil plans.

    The Fantastic Four Stops The Skrulls, But Sue Ends Up In A Coma

    The Fantastic Four Stops The Skrulls, But Sue Ends Up In A Coma

    The Fantastic Four are taken prisoner after defeating the first round of Skrulls. Morris, the vicious Skrull Warlord, wants to depose the Skrull Emperor. A terrible battle ensues between the Fantastic Four and the Skrull where they encounter the skull robot that is both powerful and accurate with its blazing blast shots.

    The sneak attack fails and they retreat but that’s not all. So while they are successful in defeating the Skrulls this time around, there happens to be one major casualty in the team and that is Susan Storm who is terribly injured and goes into a coma.

    Doctors describe the condition to be critical as she has shrapnel embedded in the left parietal lobe of her brain and the doctor refuses to operate as he believes it is beyond his capability. The scene is extremely sad as the rest of the Fantastic Four gather around her hospital bed, hoping and praying for her recovery.

    There is only one option left for the Fantastic Four. That option is Dr. Franklin Storm, the father of Johnny and Susan Storm. Mr. Storm has vanished from the public eye after being charged in a murder case that is thought to be linked to him. The team was able to locate him, and Mr. Storm performed surgery on his daughter, which was a success, saving the wonderful and powerful Sue Richards!

    With this, we come to the end of the list of dark and grim moments in the Fantastic Four animated series which were heart-wrenching or scary in their own ways. Are there any other moments that made your heart drop or your stomach churn when something happens to these amazing superheroes? Let us know in the comments!

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