In 1984, the first Terminator film premiered in the US, and it took the world by storm. Sitting at 8 on IMDb and a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, this film was directed by James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic) and was followed up by five more films in the franchise. The story revolves around an assassin who is sent back in time to change the course of history and kill a waitress’s son to prevent him from growing up and waging war. The catch is that this assassin is a cyborg called the Terminator, and he must find a way to eliminate the waitress before her son is even born.
What we know about the project so far
Recently, The Hollywood Reporter announced that a new anime series based on the 1984 classic is in its development stages. Netflix will be working on this science-fiction film in collaboration with media company Skydance and The Batman co-writer Mattson Tomlin. He will also serve as the show’s executive producer and showrunner and was heard saying in a recent interview that he is thankful for getting the opportunity to work on such an iconic film and give it his take, subverting expectations and breaking conventions.
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A little more about the film series
Apart from the five film sequels, The Terminator also had a spin-off series that aired for a year in 2008 and was titled The Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. The franchise even has its fair share of video games to allow fans to indulge in The Terminator’s dangerous and adventurous world from their computer screens. The original film starred Arnold Schwarzenneger (Commando, 1985), Linda Hamilton (Children of the Corn, 1984), Michael Biehn (The Abyss, 1989), Edward Furlong (American History X, 1998), Robert Patrick (Walk in Line, 2005) as well as Earl Boen (The Man with Two Brains, 1983).