Another manga series follows an anime television series. Urusei Yatsura- a Japanese manga follows a highly different strategy to win when it comes to the victory of the main lead. Rumiko Takahashi has worked on the storyline and characters of the manga. The manga was published in Shogakukan’s Weekly magazine- Shonen Sunday.
The first publication appeared in 1978. It is a long series consisting of 34 volumes. An anime television has followed the manga. A second adaptation is on its way. The series will be released on Fuji TV’s channel- Noitamina. The anime is to be released soon. Before the release of the anime, let’s have a look at the plot of the anime.
The story will have Ataru as the main lead. Known for his bad luck, his luck completely changes when an alien group attacks the planet and he somehow becomes the savior of the planet. An alien group known as Oni attacks the planet Earth. To face the devastating attack and deadly species, Ataru- from Tomobiki Town is chosen as the main leader. He is to fight on the behalf of humanity in a duel against the Oni.
The Oni arranges a game of tag, in which the player has to touch the horn of the Oni in a week. This is not it, he is to duel against the daughter of Oni-Lum. Lum prioritizes her self-respect over her victory. Nothing matters more to her than her self-pride. Ataru uses this card to use against her and wins. He grabs her bikini top which leads to his victor, as he touches her horn, while she protects her dignity. But seems like trouble didn’t end here, it actually started from the end of the duel.
Is there an anime television series for Urusei Yatsura Season 1?
The anime has been confirmed. The number of episodes and number of seasons is still unknown. Fuji TV will be looking after the production. David Production will also be participating in the production.
When will the anime Urusei Yatsura Season 1 will air?
The anime will be released in October 2022. No particular date has been released for the anime.
What will follow the plot of the anime Urusei Yatsura Season 1?
In the anime, we will see an engaging fight between Lum and Ataru. The anime will also cover the pre and post plot of the duel. In the anime, the relationship between Ataru and Lum will be explored in depth. As Ataru is famous for his bad luck, another incident will follow. When he promises his girlfriend Shinobu to marry her, Lum misinterprets it and thinks that he will marry Lum. Under this misunderstanding, she moves in with Ataru. Her moving in starts to create problems between Shinobu and Ataru. Finding himself stuck in the situation he is forced to adjust, letting his relationship suffer.
To provoke him more and to make him accept her affection, Lum also joins the same school as that Ataru, even after his denial. She easily gains popularity, but still, her interest lies in Ataru only.
In the anime, we will see more about Oni. Their advantages and weak points will be revealed. Moving ahead it is expected the personal life of Ataru will be shown in detail. Lum’sdevelopinginterest in Ataru and her moving in will also play a major part. The character of Ataru has been shown as a pervert and famous for his poor luck.
How he will deal with the consequences? How will Ataru fight in the duel? What will be the status of his and Shinobu’s relationship? And at last, will he have any chance with Lum? All these questions will be addressed in the anime itself which will be released very soon.