The sequel for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, an action role-playing video game was set to release on 2021. However, delays and discontent caused the RPG sequel to face its biggest setback yet. Previously developed by Hardsuit Labs, the video game will experience a change in its development team which will subsequently result in it not releasing this year. The announcement was made on the official Discord channel of the game. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is set in ‘World of Darkness’ and is a tabletop role-playing game like its predecessor Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.
In the game, central focus is on a 21st-Century human in Seattle who is killed in a mass attack on humans by rogue vampires (Mass Embrace) and is revived as a vampire. The incident caused a discord between the vampire clans of Seattle and broke the Masquerade. However, the vampire is “thinblood” (modern, weaker vampires who are shunned by the full-blood vampires) and is relatively weaker. They can consume food in smaller amounts and are highly repelled by sunlight, all of which make it comparatively weaker than the Full-blood vampires.
It is primarily played from a first-person perspective but players can switch to third-person when necessary for contextual activities. The player must join a vampire clan out of several and before doing so, assign their character to unique and upgradeable powers. Its release is planned for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.
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About the Development
Despite the delay, the game is still in development but it’s not known which team is developing it. Gamers can only hope that this is the last setback faced by the video game and they can get their hands on their consoles to play as vampires soon enough.