The Masked Singer is a Fox reality singing competition show that debuted in 2019. It’s part of the Masked Singer franchise, which started in South Korea and features celebrities singing songs while hiding their identities under head-to-toe costumes and face masks. The show, which is hosted by Nick Cannon, features panellists who try to guess the celebrities’ identities by interpreting clues given to them during the season.
Each episode features Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Nicole Scherzinger, and Robin Thicke, who vote with the audience for their favourite artist after they all perform. The least popular person is eliminated, and their identity is revealed by removing their disguise.
What is The Masked Singer Season 6 about?
The sixth season of Fox’s bizarre reality show “The Masked Singer” will premiere on September 22, 2021. After being diagnosed with Covid-19 at the start of Season 5, Nick Cannon is back full-time as host. Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong, and Nicole Scherzinger are once again on the judging panel for this sixth season.
Season 6 will also include even more unexpected celebrity power on stage. The semi-finalists from each group will duet with a celebrity singer for the first time, while Thicke and Scherzinger will duet with two of the finalists, marking their first appearance on the competition.
This season will have 16 candidates, including Wildcards, according to Fox and Baby is one such wacky costume. One of the other Wildcards this season, according to showrunner James Breen, is one of his all-time favourites because it might be the weirdest character they’ve ever had on the show
Where to Stream The Masked Singer Season 6?
Season 6 will launch on Fox on September 22 and 23, at 8 p.m. ET/PT, with a special two-night premiere. The debut on Wednesday night will feature a startling double unmasking, and the group will be joined by two new Wildcards on Thursday night.
You can also watch it online on Hulu.
Is The Masked Singer Season 6 on Netflix?
The Masked Singer Season 6 will not be available for viewing on Netflix unfortunately.
Is The Masked Singer Season 6 on Amazon Prime?
The Masked Singer Season 6 will not be available on Amazon Prime and there is no information yet about any other streaming service.
Is The Masked Singer Season 6 on Hulu?
The Masked Singer Season 6 is available on Hulu’s vast library of movies and streaming shows so you will also be able to watch it there one day after each episode premiers on air.
Can The Masked Singer Season 6 be streamed online?
It is not clear when the show will be available for viewing on the mainstream subscription services. While there are free online streaming services where the movie will almost certainly appear shortly, we advise our readers to avoid all unlawful means and to only watch movies and shows online after paying for them.