Halloween Kills is a slasher film directed by David Gordon Green and written by Green, Danny McBride, and Scott Teems that will be released in 2021. The film is a follow-up to the 2018 horror film Halloween. Jamie Lee Curtis and Nick Castle reprise their roles as Laurie Strode and Michael Myers, respectively, in the film, with James Jude Courtney reprising his role as Michael Myers.
Anthony Michael Hall and Thomas Mann join the cast, with Judy Greer, Andi Matichak, and Will Patton reprising their roles from the previous film. The film picks off right where the previous one left off, with Strode and her family fending off Myers once more, this time with the support of the Haddonfield community.
What is Halloween Kills about?
Laurie Strode, her daughter, and her granddaughter leave Michael Myers to burn in their house in Halloween Kills, which begins up almost immediately after the events of 2018’s Halloween. Michael Myers, on the other hand, manages to flee and resumes his murderous rampage.
Laurie, who was damaged physically in her fight with Michael, tries to heal so she can face him again, while simultaneously uniting the rest of Haddonfield to defeat the terrifying killer once and for all. However, the more Michael murders, the more difficult he is to kill for good.
Curtis reprises his role as the silent Michael Myers in a full-length trailer released on June 24, 2021. Will she, her daughter, and granddaughter, played by Judy Greer and Andi Matichak, triumph in the end? Will Myers who has haunted them for generations now, finally die? Is he even human?
We will hopefully get the answers to all these questions.
Where to watch Halloween Kills
On September 8, 2021, Halloween Kills made its global premiere at the 78th Venice International Film Festival. The film will be released theatrically in the United States on October 15, 2021, by Universal Pictures, after a year of delay due to the COVID-19 epidemic; it will also be streamed for 60 days on Peacock’s paid tiers.
You can thus stream Halloween Kills on Peacock.
Is Halloween Kills available on Amazon Prime?
Halloween Kills is not going to be available on Amazon Prime Video as of yet.
Is Halloween Kills available on Netflix?
Neflix’s wide selection of movies and streaming shows does not include Halloween Kills.
Is Halloween Kills on Hulu?
Halloween Kills is not available on Hulu’s vast library of movies and streaming shows.
Can Halloween Kills be streamed online?
It is not clear when the movie will be available for viewing on the mainstream subscription services. While there are free online streaming services where the movie will almost certainly appear shortly, we advise our readers to avoid all unlawful means and to only watch movies and shows online after paying for them.