Y: The Last Man is a forthcoming American drama television series that will air on FX on Hulu on September 13, 2021. It stars Diane Lane, Ashley Romans, Ben Schnetzer, Olivia Thirlby, and Amber Tamblyn and is based on the Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra comic book title Y: The Last Man. After Michael Green and Aida Mashaka Croal left the project, Eliza Clark has taken over as showrunner.
The official teaser provides us a bleak picture of humanity’s demise as the odd illness takes its toll. Ypu can check it out to whet your appetite and see what this TV series is really about.
What is Y: The Last Man about?
Y: The Last Man follows Yorick Brown and his monkey Ampersand as they try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world where all living creatures with Y chromosomes have been wiped out by a strange illness.
Yorick embarks on a quest to discover why he is still alive. Along the journey, he meets people who have been left behind and are trying to understand what has happened while also dealing with the pressures of constructing a new society.
The show intends to explore how societal differences based on income, social class, and ethnicity remain in this post-apocalyptic setting, with the gender binary essentially gone from society.
The original comic book, Y: The Last Man, Volume 10, was a 60-issue science fiction mega hit that ran from 2002 to 2008 and garnered three Eisner Awards as well as a Hugo Award nomination for Best Graphic Story.
Where to Stream Y: The Last Man?
Starting September 13, US audiences will be able to watch Y: The Last Man exclusively on FX on Hulu. When the show premieres, there will be two full episodes available to watch.
On Wednesday, September 22nd, Y: The Last Man will premiere on Star on Disney+ in the United Kingdom. When the show premieres, three episodes will be available.
New episodes will be released weekly in both areas on their respective streaming platforms.
Is Y: The Last Man on Amazon prime?
No, Y: The last Man is not available on Amazon Prime and there is no word on when it will be since it is already appearing on Hulu.
Is Y: The Last Man on Netflix?
Neflix’s wide selection of movies and streaming shows does not include Y: The last Man as of now and it seems rather unlikely that it will, considering it is available on Amazon Prime. However, Netflix has many superhero flicks which make for a great watch so go check them out! We especially recommend Q-Team.
Can Y: The Last Man be streamed online?
It is not clear when the show will be available for viewing on the mainstream subscription services apart from Hulu. While there are free online streaming services where the movie will almost certainly appear shortly, we advise our readers to avoid all unlawful means and to only watch movies and shows online after paying for them.