Last Night in Soho is a British psychological horror film directed by Edgar Wright in 2021, based on a narrative by Wright and written by Wright and Krysty Wilson-Cairns. Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor-Joy, Matt Smith, and Michael Ajao feature in the film. Diana Rigg and Margaret Nolan, who died in September and October 2020, respectively, make their final film appearances in this picture.
Last Night in Soho had its global premiere at the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 4, 2021, and Universal Pictures and Focus Features will release it theatrically in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States on October 29, 2021. Critics have given the film good reviews.
The film follows Eloise, a young lady with a weird sixth sense and a passion for fashion design. The premise of the movie is that Eloise is transported back in time to 1966 London in the body of Sandie, a legendary nightclub singer of the era.
Eloise establishes a sexual relationship while in Sandie’s body; however, she soon realises that Sandie’s life in the Swinging Sixties is not as glamorous as it appears, and both past and present begin to break apart with terrifying repercussions. This movie is touted to being a one of its kind, time travelling horror film and I definitely recommend for it to be on your must watch list!
Last Night in Soho filming locations
The film is set in 1960s London and directed by Edgar Wright. It was written by Wright and Krysty Wilson-Cairns and based on a storey by Wright. The majority of Last Night in Soho was shot in London, England. The Truman Brewery, located at 91 Brick Ln in London, hosted the fashion show.
Location in London, England
Empire Cinemas
Eloise attends the Empire Cinemas premiere of a new film in the movie. The Carlton Theatre first opened its doors in 1927. It first opened its doors on April 27th of that year. In 1929, the Carlton Theatre was wired for sound and converted to a full-time cinema. It was acquired by 20th Century Fox on March 1, 1954.
It was transformed into a cinema for their CinemaScope films. On August 20, 1977, the theatre closed its doors. After the original auditorium, which seated 1,159 people, was split into three screens, it reopened as the Classic Haymarket on January 10, 1979. Heritage England designated it as a Grade II Listed Building on October 17, 2018. When Cineworld acquired the Empire Leicester Square in late July 2016, they also ‘exchanged’ the Cineworld Haymarket, which was renamed Empire Cinemas London Haymarket on April 7, 2017.
Truman Brewery
The Truman Brewery, historically London’s largest brewery, is today East London’s most popular public and creative business attraction. This is where the spectacular fashion show that we shall witness in the film took place. The Black Eagle Brewery was founded in 1666 on a block of land adjacent to what is now Brick Lane in London, E1. It flourished steadily until the 18th century, when it developed rapidly under the direction of Benjamin Truman, fueled by the demand for porter, and became one of London’s greatest brewers.
Soho is a district in the City of Westminster in London’s West End. Since the 19th century, it has been one of the capital’s principal entertainment districts. It was once a fashionable district for the elite.
The vibrant streets of Soho, in London’s West End, provide a diverse range of dining, nightlife, and retail opportunities. The long-running Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club is also located on Dean, Frith, Beak, and Old Compton streets, which are the epicentre of action day and night.
Shaftesbury Avenue attracts theatregoers, while Carnaby, Oxford, and Regent streets, as well as the famed Liberty’s department store, attract shopping. We can totally see why this back-in-time horror movie would be set here. A darkness amidst all the glitz and glamour of 1960’s London.
Keep an eye out for this one!