This action-packed drama, directed by Joseph Kosinski, is the sequel to 1986’s Top Gun. The film stars the ever-dashing Tom Cruise, Mike Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Glen Powell. Ed Harris, Lewis Pullman, and Val Kilmer.
It follows the story of Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (aka Tom Cruise) is back as the air-force pilot and flight instructor, pushing his limits yet again as he trains a new group of pilots, among whom is the son of his deceased partner, Goose.
The film was originally scheduled to be released in July, 2019, but was postponed due to pending production work on the numerous flight sequences. It was rescheduled to June, 2020. However, the pandemic delayed the release further. The film is not set to release in the USA and Canada on 27th May, 2022 by Paramount Pictures.
Top Gun: Maverick: Filming Locations
Primary production of the film began officially on 30th May, 2018 in San Diego. In late August, a 15-person crew from Paramount boarded the Norfolk-based aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln to shoot the flight deck operation scenes.
Principal photography was conducted in San Diego, Lemoore, China Lake, Lake Tahoe, Seattle, and Patuxent River. Much of the beauty of this movie lies in its stunning wide-angle shots of landscapes and army bases.
These not just add to the vibe of the movie, but play a rather important role in its story, considering it is an army movie. Now, how about we fly a little closer to these stunning locations.
San Diego. California
Like the 1986 movie, the sequel returns to San Diego. Although the spots are new, let’s not forget how important this place Is to our story. Tom Cruise was seen outside the Naval Air Station, Noth Island, California.
He is also said to have shot the scene of him riding a motorcycle on the runway here. Super exciting! Some reports also say, and Cruise confirmed in his Twitter and Instagram posts, that some scenes have also been shot around Point Loma.
Naval Air Force Atlantic spokesperson had also confirmed that some of the production crew were aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, shooting footage of air operation for the movie. None of the actors were aboard however at the time.
The crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln are excited to get a small role in the story that influenced many men and women to join the Navy. They hope to inspire another generation through the silver screen. Even the USS Theodore Roosevelt in San Diego was also used for shooting some of the scenes. Reportedly, the F-14 Tomcat was also borrowed from San Diego Air Force and Space Museum for shooting purposes.
Lake Tahoe, California
It was revealed at the Tahoe Chamber Blue Ribbon Awards, 2019, that the South Shore would be a filming location for the sequel of Tom Cruise’s epic action movie. Preparations for the shoot started at the Washoe Meadows State Park in Meyers. The scenes included low-flying helicopters as well as engineered non-toxic smoke. The helicopters were based out of the Lake Tahoe Airport.
Tom Cruise was spotted filming some pretty intense sequences, involving him running through a forest and riding a bike on the runway. However, not all the scenes shot here was that intense.
There also seems to be a scene of Cruise engaging in dialogue on top of the mountains overlooking the lake. The filming at this location lasted for a couple of weeks and the airport witnessed a lot of fighter planes.
Naval Air Station, Lemoore, California
Residents of Indian Wells Valley also got a glimpse of Tom Cruise speeding down Brown Road in a convertible. The filming here included air combat scenes, with pilots helming F-18 E/F Super Hornets. However, Cruise did not stay at Lemoore even for a night, wrapping up filming as fast as possible.
Despite official sources declining to comment on the filming locations, Renee Hatcher, director of corporate communications for the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Divisions, issued a written statement that Paramount Pictures shots in and also carried out some production work at numerous sites throughout California, including China Lake.
Seattle, Wahington
Quite a few scenes of this movie, especially the ones with the breathtaking landscapes have been shot in this picturesque Washington State Island. A lot of the film is also shot in the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.
Although it isn’t home to any of the fighter aircraft, the scenic beauty of the place is said to have won over the director’s heart. The authentic Widbey touch has been retained – the base’s public affairs officer, Mike Welding was hired to play the role of an unnerved coffee drinker in the tower.