No child or adult is a stranger to the American animated series Scooby-Doo which has probably been one of the longest-running franchises. Starting with the first installment of the series titled Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? The New Scooby-Doo Movies, has had up to six sequels and countless reboots and films that continue to date. The show follows four friends (Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Fred) who, along with their Great Dane Scooby, go on many ghost-hunting and crime-solving quests. This Warner Bros. show has been on the favourites list of many generations of children, and now fans can get ready for yet another exciting spin-off, one focused on dear Velma!
What we know about the series till now
The first ten episodes are approved for running, and the show may or may not get more. This spin-off, described as an animated series for adults, will be streaming on HBO Max, and none other than Mindy Kaling will voice the character in addition to executive producing the show. Velma will be telling the origin story of the character while also sticking to the true spirit of mystery-solving shown in Scooby-Doo over the years. Kaling has been the star of shows and films such as Never Have I Ever, The Mindy Project, Late Night and Ocean’s 8. Previously, actors like Kate Micucci, Linda Cardellini, Gina Rodriguez, Haley Kiyoko, and many more have brought Velma’s character to life.
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Why Velma has been such a memorable character
Redhead Velma is known for her signature orange turtleneck top, paired with a red plaid skirt, high socks, and black square glasses. She is the Mystery Incorporation gang’s designated “brains” of the and gives off Nancy Drew vibes with her profound interest in solving mysteries and almost always succeeding at it. Given her smartness, she is also a skeptic and does not easily believe in the supernatural despite ghosts being very real in the show’s context. She is also the smallest member of the group in stature, but one of the running gags surrounding her is that whenever someone is scared (mostly Scoob), they immediately leap into her arms. Another ordinary happening with her that leaves the audience in splits each time is Velma always losing her glasses at the wrong time. Given her extreme near-sightedness, this calls for some humorous chaos.