Mark Hamill, a staple of the Star Wars franchise, spoke on The Tonight Show and explained that he thought he was done portraying Luke Skywalker until he got the call to make his cameo appearance.
For those who don’t know, Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker appeared in a pivotal scene in The Mandalorian season 2 finale, de-aged and looking exactly like his younger Star Wars self, and no one was more thrilled than Hamill himself, who said he was surprised when he got the call about being on the show.
When Mark Hamill’s cameo as Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian’s season two finale broadcast, it took everyone by surprise, proving that secrets can be kept when it comes to the biggest surprises on the largest shows on the streaming globe. Hamill was as taken aback by the appearance as the rest of the audience. He talked about the surprising Mandalorian return and teased a new behind-the-scenes special coming soon to Disney+ during his visit on The Tonight Show, in addition to discussing his Masters of The Universe role.
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On August 25th, a behind-the-scenes special about the development of the episode will premiere on Disney+, and it will “address a lot of your questions,” according to Hamill. With Disney now having its own streaming platform, the opportunity to create and release countless featurettes and even entire series on the making of some of their most popular films and television shows has opened up a whole new world of supplementary footage previously only available on a DVD bonus disc.
The cast was ecstatic about Hamill’s attendance on the show, and he wasn’t the only one. Ming-Na Wen, who plays Fennec Shand in the show, described the occasion as “beyond belief” to be a part of.
The Mandalorian’s first two seasons, as well as the whole Star Wars saga, are available to view on Disney+. Season 3 of The Mandalorian is still in production, but no release date has been set. The first was published on THR.