Developed and published by Konami, Metal Gear is an action-adventure video game that was first released in 1987 and followed up by many more additions to the franchise. Breaking the fourth wall, exploring dystopian politics and cyberpunk themes, providing a cinematic experience and including stealth mechanics are the features that got this game the recognition it deserves. Also developed by Konami is the action fantasy video game Castlevania. The game includes goth and horror themes and even expanded to comics, TV shows and many spin-off games.
If confirmed, it may be a bitter-sweet process
There are now rumours flying about how Konami plans to outsource both the Metal Gear and the Castlevania franchise to other studios. Not much information is concrete about this, so it is all just speculation, but given how both are games with their dedicated fanbase and universes, it may just work out for the better as they will get their individual share of focus and dedication. The recent publishing of these games by Konami has not been as well-received as others, which may be why they are looking into outsourcing. Once some more information is available, things will be much clearer but it seems very likely that Konami will, after all, go through with this, marking a new beginning and more potential for Metal Gear and Castlevania, but putting an era to rest.
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How the games were suffering under Konami
Hideo Kojima, the designer of the original Metal Gear game, left Konami in 2015, and although Konami has stated that they are actively working on newer recruits to keep the franchise going, nothing seems to be working out for them as of late. The last game they released was titled Metal Gear Survive, which was meant to be a spin-off, and neither critics nor fans were pleased with it. The Castlevania video game series, too, seems to be quite passive as of late, and all this is most likely the result of Konami managing too many bog projects at the same time and hence not being able to take all of them to their respective potential.