
    Cancelled Lovecraft Country Season 2 Was Going To Have ZOMBIES?!

    We heard the bad news that HBO has decided not to purchase a second season of “Lovecraft Country” as we headed into the long Fourth of July weekend, which means we’ll never know where the plot was supposed to go after the shocking season one ending. However, we have now gotten a peak into the plotline thanks to Misha Green.

    Misha Green, the show’s creator, took to Twitter this weekend to release an early “storey bible” for the previously planned second season, which the crew had titled “Lovecraft Country: Supremacy.”

    Season 2 opens in a new world, one that includes a country that sits exactly where the United States formerly did. According to the Bible, welcome the Sovereign States of America.


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    Tribal Nations of the West, The Whitelands, New Negro Republic, and Jefferson Commonwealth were to be the four distinct zones of this new government. And the most intriguing aspect was that the new earth would be overtaken by ZOMBIES!

    The Whitelands, according to a follow-up tweet, are a territory entirely overtaken by zombies – most of them of the slower variety with pockets of fast-moving zombies.

    Green goes on to say that one of the costs of casting “The Origin” spell was the construction of a zombie populace.

    Years into the zombie apocalypse, a coordinated effort was launched to contain the zombies in a single area in the heart of America. The Whitelands are now a perilous frontier between the realms of the South, West, and North.

    Season 2 sounded like it was going to blow the universe of “Lovecraft Country” wide open, with Green and the crew moving well beyond Matt Ruff’s original novel to expand the tale.

    We are gutted to know that we will not be able to see this storyline on our screens, it would have definitely made for an interesting watch.

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