
    New Survival Horror ‘Lamentum’ Inspired By ‘Resident Evil’ Is Coming Our Way!

    We bring to you another Resident Evil-inspired game? After all, imitation is the truest form of flattery. That’s the goal of Obscure Tales’ pixel-based overhead game Lamentum, which will be released later this week!

    Lamentum is set in the mid-nineteenth century in New England. Victor Hartwell is a young aristocrat on a quest to discover a treatment for his beloved wife, Alissa. Hartwell goes to Grau Hill Mansion, where the Earl has unearthed old mysteries and hidden disciplines. He claims to be able to heal Alissa, but only for a heavy price.


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    As previously said, the title is based on Resident Evil. But, like any good Survival Terror game, it borrows elements from Silent Hill and, just for kicks, throws in some cosmic horror for the Lovecraftian crowd.

    Victor will have to battle with a variety of terrifying animals in the mansion, armed with a lamp to see in the dark, lock picks to open sealed doors, and various other equipment. Because each weapon has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, simply blowing them away with pistols won’t enough in every situation.


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    Lamentum is a dark and adult-themed game that features basic survival horror gameplay. It also comes with a mature content warning so you know what type of horrors and adventures to expect.

    You will have a huge number of melee and ranged weapons at your disposal to defend against the threats that will befall you. Choose cautiously because each weapon has its own distinct features that will aid you in various ways.There are multiple endings in the game, and we can’t wait to play it!

    Lamentum will be released on August 31st for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

    In case you wanted a sneak peek at all the excitement headed your way, the trailer is now available for your viewing pleasure.

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